Chapter 32

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Wanda looked at Tony who looked stressed as he opened his mouth, Stephen walked over to you and placed his hand on your shoulder. "Come with me and I will explain everything to you." Smiling gently at you, you felt a lot of tension release. Nodding You went to walk out of the room with everyone following but Wanda stopped everyone besides Loki. 

"Leave them be guys. I can even see she's overwhelmed." Wanda watched as you left, you quickly glanced back at her and smiled mouthing thank you to her. Walking with Stephen, and Loki You were looking around and noticed things seemed more, cluttered to say the least. Walking to your room you opened the door and just plopped down onto your bed. It wasn't as soft as Lokis bed in Asgard but you did miss your bed. Stephen let out a chuckle as he sat down next to you and Loki sat on the other side of you. "Ive missed you, the tower is not the same without you, without either of you really" Loki tilted his head and smirked

"Awe you missed me wizard?"

"Surprisingly yes. However You're only more tolerable because of Y/n"

"Still here guys" Sitting up you stretched your arms up and yawns slightly "Okay so what's going on and why is everyone here?"

"Well.." Stephen rubbed his hands together and sighed "We have an update on Thanos. It's not a good one." You looked to Loki then to Stephen 

"Go on." You pressed, feeling your stomach start to turn

"Well.. He's not after just the stones anymore y/n" Lokis eyes widened as he was catching on to what Stephen was saying "some how he found out about you. Apparently you're stronger than even our most powerful hero." shooting himself up Loki nearly growled as he felt rage begin to boil

"Absolutely not! I'll kill him myself." You grabbed Lokis hand and yanked him down with all of your might 

"The hell you will. Just stop." Looking at Stephen you sighed and remained as calm as you could "What's the plan.." 

"That's the thing y/n we aren't sure yet. But he is on his way here and he already has three stones. Apparently he has the mind stone, reality stone, and the power stones." Stephen was looking stressed as he spoke which caused you to feel nervous

"Stephen where are the other stones?"

"I carry the time stone, I'm not sure about the other stones"

"Asgard carries the space stone in the tesseract." Loki felt a rock from in the pit of his stomach as realization hit you. 

"Which is why Frigga taught me what she did.." you sighed "Stephen why is everyone here?"

"To protect you and to stop Thanos." He glanced towards the door "That woman Wanda you met she's nearly as powerful as you. Her powers and yours together we believe could really take Thanos out."

"My powers only as strong as they are because of Loki." Holding up your hand you form an energy ball showing Loki and Stephen your magic which was a beautiful purple but had streaks of green through out it. Lowering your hand you let out a sad sigh "My power grows every day but I still seem to latch on to other peoples abilities."

"Darling you attach to mine because I've given myself to you. I've devoted myself to you." Loki took your hand and kissed it softly

"And I've devoted myself to you as well. I think we all have if I'm being honest y/n. If you need our energy for yours to flourish use it."

"You don't get it you guys..." Standing you ran your fingers through your hair almost angrily "There's going to be a time I don't have you guys to lean on." You began pacing your room as Loki and Stephen watched you. Slowly Stephen stood and walked up to you and gripped your arms holding you still.

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