Chapter 28

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You and Loki appeared on the other side of the gardens to see Thor and his friends sitting around drinking and laughing. You glanced at Loki who rolled his eyes at them 

"You must be warned Y/n they can get wild.." He watched them almost as if he was trying to see if he could handle them or wanted you around them. 

"I'm sure Ill be fine"

"I trust you will be except asgardian mead is a lot stronger than midgardian alcohol but I will not be leaving your side. Also an Asgardian is A lot stronger than a mortal.." You could tell then that it wasn't that he was worried about handling them he was worried they would hurt you by mistake while being drunk. In that moment you really felt mortal and it didn't sit right with you. Odin and his wife confirmed you'd live as long as an asgardian but they didn't confirm you were as durable as one. An uneasiness hit the pit of your stomach as you looked over the group of asgardians but you shrugged out of Lokis arms. 

"I'll be okay Loki." You took his hand and smiled at him leading him towards at the warriors. Thor caught sight of you two and raised his glass and smiled

"Y/n! Loki! About time!" Walking up to you two he wrapped his arm around you and lead you and Loki towards his friends "Friends let me introduce you! This is Lady Y/n! Midgard's Mightiest warrior! Y/n These are my friends Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg and of course Sif!" They all approached and shook your hand smiling at you. Fandral took your hand and planted a soft kiss on it 

"Pleasure to meet you y/n" He winked at you which caused Loki to shift uncomfortably. 

"Nice to meet you too Fandral." You could feel Lokis comfort shift so you placed your arm around his waist as a way to bring him some comfort. It seemed to work well as Fandral took a step back as he looked over Loki and you. 

"Well welcome Prince Loki. Glad you're joining us for drinks like old times" He flashed Loki a charming smile

"It has been a while hasn't it.." Loki and you walked with everyone back to a small fire that was placed in the center of the gardens for everyone in the most beautiful fire pit. Thor quickly handed you and Loki glasses filled to the brim. You smelled it and was hit with the smell of fruits. You took a sip and it tasted heavenly. 

"Mm this is good." You took another sip and looked to see Loki taking a sip along side with you

"Pace yourself." Volstagg said as he took a big chug "Asgardian Mead may taste heavenly but its a lot stronger then puny midgardian mead"

"I'll watch over her if she drinks too much Volstagg" Loki smirked towards him who returned Lokis smirk with a smile and nod

"That I don't doubt prince."

"So, Tell me y/n" Sif placed her hand on your shoulder alittle rough "You're a warrior huh?" Taking another sip you smiled at Sif. 

"I guess you can say that yeah." looking towards Loki he could see that sif was slightly intoxicated and you could smell the alcohol on all of them. Taking a slightly bigger drink Loki looked slightly nervous at you "why do you ask?"

"Well it's not often I meet another woman warrior. I'd love to see your skill sometime" Sif took a drink and raised her glass "Midgardian warrior vs Asgardian warrior"

"Well I'm more than just mortal." you shrugged and took another drink. 

"Oh? Now I have to know." She took your hand and pulled you over to a log and you two sat down and began talking. Loki watched and kept drinking.




You and Sif became fast friends. You told her all about Your life before hydra, during hydra, and after. About your powers, About the Avengers, About Loki, Tony, Stephen, and what you learned from odin. You told her everything in your heart and mind and She listened and gave advice and even a hug or two when emotions became strong. Before long you were holding your cup up

"Thoooooor" You rang out causing Thor and the others to look over at you with wide smiles "I need a refill of this beautiful cup" Loki laughed as he took another drink only about halfway done with his drink. You felt warm and tipsy to say the least. Thor stumbled over and plopped down next to you and Sif and Poured more into your glass and leaned close to you and Sif 

"My brother hasn't spoken much at all but he's watching you closely lady y/n. Tell me, are you two..." You glanced back at Loki who was sitting back listening to Fandral talk his ear off and occasionally replying back to him. He was wearing a soft smile on his face as he watched you. Looking back to Thor you smiled

"No but.." bitting your lip you placed your hands on Thor and Sifs shoulders and brought them in for a huddle "He's really something else. We almost kissed before Thor walked in. Thanks for that!" Thor pulled himself back laughing nearly falling off the log they were on

"I didn't mean to!" Loki looked towards you three interested wondering what you three were talking about.

"I think it would be a fantastic coupling!" Sif smiled brightly at you and you blushed taking another big gulp "I will say careful too. You are still of Midgard." You stood up and felt dizzy. Sif and Thor quickly stood up to help you balance you. Loki was immediately by your side pushing Thor away as he took your arm to help you. You pulled your arm away from them and laughed. 

"Guys I'm okay. Im just feeling the Alcohol. I am not helpless." You took a step forward and swayed Loki fought the urge to grab onto you and make you sit down, taking a bigger gulp of the drink in his hand to hide his annoyance at his inability to control the situation Hogun came to save the day so to speak. Walking up to you he took you hand and offered to show you some of his weapons. You smiled and agreed walking with him over to the small table Loki let out a sigh and sat down next to Sif and Thor

"Loki you can Not control her." Sif spoke firmly. She did not like seeing Loki trying to control her friends movements. 

"She can easily get hurt here." Taking another drink starting to feel the effects 

"Brother do you really think we would hurt her?" Thor looked hurt as he spoke

"No, not on purpose." Loki sighed and rubbed his face

"Loki! We wouldn't even on accident." Sif looked towards you and Hogun, who was showing you his swords and you were so mesmerized "She is not as weak as you think. She told me everything." Loki looked at Sif in surprise. 

"she opened up to you that fast?" Loki and Thor both looked  and spoke in unison

"Eh it's a woman thing." she shrugged and took a drink

"its a mead thing" Loki mumbled causing Sif to punch him in the arm as he let out a chuckle.

"Be good to her Loki. You have no clue what that woman's heart holds." Sif watched you as she took a drink. She was happy to have met you tonight but she also knew you needed protecting because that innocence about you would draw everyone in and quickly but in time everyones proper place would be defined in your life. She smiled at her self and nodded causing Loki and Thor to look at her funny "Its nothing guys. From what she's told me her life sounds.. complicated currently but I really think thinks will start to make sense especially when she lets her heart be know." Sif stood up and walked over to you and Hogun leaving Loki and Thor sitting there looking at each other in confusion. Loki took another drink as Thor patted him on the back following suit on drinking with his brother.

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