Chapter 9

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You and Tony went over suit ideas for a couple hours. Laughing, brainstorming, bonding. Tony was really funny and really smart too. You were really enjoying your time. Soon your stomach growled and Tony shooed you off to go get something to eat while he kept brain storming. You walked into the kitchen after only getting lost twice and stumbled into Strange who was sitting at the table reading a book. 

"Welcome back I was beginning to wonder if He kidnapped you for good." He smiled at you. He stood up and pulled a chair out for you. You looked towards the kitchen but smiled at him and went to take a seat. He noticed your hesitation and walked into the kitchen once you sat down. "sorry about that I bet your hungry. How does pancakes sound since you probably didn't have breakfast?" You smiled big and nodded

"That sounds fantastic! I can help you if you'd like." You stood and walked into the kitchen with him. He shook his head 

"Its okay Y/n I can cook."

"Are you sure? I really don't mind helping." You begin looking in cabinets and grabbed a couple of things needed as you found them. Strange chuckled slightly.

"I am sure now please sit. talk with me." You handed him a frying pan then took a seat on a stool in the kitchen. He began making the batter using his magic for things his hands couldn't handle. You watched as he tried a couple things then switched to using his abilities. He saw you watching and sighed "So I use to be a jerk. I let my ego get to me and it cost me the proper use of my hands. Which led me to learning how to use magic" You looked up at him and saw him looking lost in a memory

"Im sorry I didn't mean to stare. I find it amazing how well you use magic" He smiled softly at you and continued using his ability making food "Tony did say you were something else. You're very kind. I like that" He winked at you bringing a blush on your cheeks "Tell me about you." You pulled your sleeves over your hands looking kinda nervous but spoke

"Well.. My parents died when I was young" You sighed going into your mind "It was a mugging gone wrong on a date night they use to have. So I lived with my aunt after that  till I was 17. My 17th birthday to be exact. Hydra got ahold of me that day. Pretty sure my Aunt let them have me. She hated me. Always told me its a good thing my parents are dead because they would be disappointed in me and hate me. I still remember the time she beat me so bad because I was late coming home from school..." Strange watched you. Pain evident on his face. Someone else had entered the room but you were too in your mind to notice "I couldn't handle eating for like two weeks after that." You closed your eyes "But after Hydra got ahold of me that was almost a relief. Yeah they beat me and starved me but they never once threw my parents in my face. For years they tormented me. After about 4 birthdays with them and 100 or so injections and shock treatments My powers showed themself. They protected me I guess. The doctor was so mad he threw me in a metal box. Which really sucked because it was the dead of summer. I learned how to use my powers in that box well kinda. Kept me alive at least." You smelled food being cooked and it pulled you back to reality Strange watching you while he was cooking "I.. I am sorry I got lost in my mind" Strange went to take your hand 

"y/n its okay to talk about it." Thor said from behind you causing you to jump freezing the counter when you grabbed it right before Strange touched you. Your eyes widened as you noticed you almost hurt him. 

"I. I am." you covered your mouth in shock tears welling up. Strange rushed over to you and hushed you as he put his hands on your shoulder 

"Its okay you got scared. Your powers are to protect you." he spoke softly 

"lady y/n I am sorry for scaring you." Thor took over the cooking the best he could as Strange continues to sooth you.

"its not okay. I could have really hurt you." you pulled back from strange slightly afraid of yourself. Strange shook his head kneeled in front of you.

"It is okay. Seriously. You are safe." as he spoke you felt yourself begin to ease the ice melting off the counter "There you go. See? You will be a pro at no time. Do you want to continue talking?" You shrugged and nodded 

"Yeah I don't mind." You closed your eyes as Strange took your hands. You went to pull your hands away but he took them anyway. He looked over to Thor and nodded at him to continue cooking while you spoke. Letting out a sigh you went back into your mind "After the metal box They left me in my cell for a long while. I didn't have windows so Im never sure how long they left me for. I just remember being so hungry The torcher got worse too. Anytime I didn't submit to them. They.." You scrunched your face remembering everything they did "Water, Shocking, starving, having my only friend turn on me and beat me so bad.." You tightened your hold on Strange's hands he didn't flinch despite the pain shooting through them. You loosened them slightly "I never surrendered I never broke. But I got close. That's why I escaped the moment I had a chance." Strange was watching you closely as you slowly opened your eyes the purple also had touches of blue throughout causing him to be taken back. You showed him your Vulnerability and he was nearly mesmerized. Just last week Christine had made it clear they'd never be together and his life was too much for her. She wanted to focus on her practice and a new man she met. He felt his heart skip a beat as he looked into your eyes. You smiled softly at him and softly squeezed his hands "Im a mess Im sorry. But that's my story." Strange couldn't move his eyes for a moment but smiled back 

"Thank you for telling me. I would be honored to teach you." He slowly stood up and kissed your hand.

"Id like that." 

"Foods done!" Thor boomed as he laid out three plates and started serving pancakes "Lady Y/n You should tell my brother your past. How old are you if you don't mind me asking?" Looking over to Thor your stomach growled again as he pushed your plate towards you with a big smile on his face.

"I'm 27." You dug into your food quickly as the smell was intoxicating. Thor looked surprised then began eating. Loki on the other hand was just on the other side of the wall after he heard everything. His heart shattered for you. However he could shake the shock he felt when you said your age. 27 years ago he lost the only woman he ever loved. The woman you so closely resembled. It had to be a coincidence right?

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