8: Touché

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"So Ms. Bardot, are you living on campus this semester?" Ms. West questioned glancing over at me for a mere second before returning her focus to the road

I nodded "Yes I am."

"You alway answer about half of what I'm asking." She stated, her grip tightening on the wheel

I looked over at her "What do you mean?

"Nothing." She sighed

"No, I want to know what you mean."

She stared back at me seemingly stunned for a moment before turning back to the road once more "You just always say the least amount possible."

"How so?"

"Just forget it."

"But I'm confused."

"Me too." She stated as we pulled into the parking lot of a small restaurant with a sign that Giovannis

After a moment or two of silence I couldn't help but push the question further "So like, what did you mean?"

She parked the car and then turned to me "You're very closed off."

"I thought we were talking about me half answering your questions."

She rolled her eyes and undid her seat belt "We are."

"How?" I questioned as I unbuckled myself

She let out a deep, seemingly irritated sigh "Let's just drop it and go enjoy a nice dinner."

"That seems counterproductive," I shrugged placing my hand on the door handle "but alright, you're the boss I guess."

I stepped out of the car and looked over at her as she got out of the car. We both closed our doors simultaneously and then I followed her inside without a word. The restaurant seemed rather fancy but luckily we were both still dressed nicely from work. Parker was in her signature suit and i was in quite literally my best dress.

Ms. West I mean, not Parker.

"Good evening ladies, table for two?" A young man questioned looking between the two of us

He was handsome with chestnut eyes, matching curly hair and olive toned skin.

"Yes please." Ms. West stated

He held out his hand signaling for us to follow him "Right this way ladies."

We both followed closely behind him and we were showed to a small booth in the back corner.

"Thank you Peter." Ms. West smiled at the young man

A slight blush now covered his cheeks and he laughed at a joke I must have missed "Of course Ms. West, enjoy your meal."

Peter turned and headed back to the front of the restaurant as Ms. West grabbed a menu from in front of herself and handed it over to me.

"Thank you," I mumbled taking the menu from her and noticing it was the only one "don't you need a menu?"

She shook her head "I already know what I want."

I nodded "I'm behind then I guess."

"I guess so." She replied squinting her eyes at me ever so slightly like I knew something I shouldn't

"I think I'm going to get the stuffed shells." I stated before setting down the menu

"Interesting." She mumbled out lowly as she often did with no explanation

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Say interesting after I say something?"

"Why do you only answer half of what I ask you?"

"How are we doing today ladies?" A young woman with a name tag that read Hanna asked from the end of the booth

She was really pretty with dirty blonde hair, sun kissed skin, and baby blue eyes that held a kindness within them that set me at ease.

"We're well, and you?"

"Better now, so the usual for you Ms. West?" Hanna questioned looking up at her over the notepad in her hand

"Yes please, and the same for Ms. Bardot here please." Ms. West stated causing me to look over at her

So I ordered her usual? How often does one even have to come to the same restaurant to have everyone know your name and order?

"Alright ladies, I'll put this order in right away and I'll bring your bottle right out." Hanna smiled to Ms. West before turning and walking to the back

A bottle? God I hope she means wine.

Ms. West turned and raised an eyebrow at me "Do you like white wine?"

"I like all wine." I smiled in return

"I got us a bottle of Pinot Noir, it's my favorite."

"I don't believe I've tried it before."

"You're really missing out."

I feel like I'm missing a lot of things whenever I'm with you.

I shrugged as though I was trying to challenge her "I guess we'll see."

"Interesting." She stated much louder than usual

"You still didn't explain why you do that."

She shrugged "Touché."

"I don't think you know the proper way to use that word." I stated crossing my arms over my chest

"I think I know how to use it perfectly."

Suddenly Hana reappeared and set a bottle and two glasses on the table "Here you are ladies."

"Thank you Hanna." Ms. West smiled

Hanna blushed profusely under the intense gaze of Parker West that I had come to know too well in the past few days. I swear something about this woman's eyes or just the way she looks at you, it's just, it's just...

"No, thank you Ms. West, and pardon me for asking but when would be a good time schedule the meeting for uh," the girl paused looking at me for a mere second before turning back to her "that thing."

Ms. West clenched her fists on the table and I swear I could feel the anger absolutely radiating from her.

"Is this really the time for that question?" Ms. West asked, venom dripping from her tone

"Uh no, not at all." Hanna mumbled out shuffling uncomfortably "I apologize and I'll be back shortly with your food."

Hanna nearly tripped when she turned to leave and I could tell that Ms. West was still fuming.

Deciding it was best not to ask I decided to lighten the mood "To answer the other half of your earlier question, I live in Campion hall and I have a roommate named Luna who I've known since we were little and she graduated a year after I did and chose to go to the same school as me before graduation which was perfect because I started college a year late."

Damn Harper slow down why don't you?

She gave me a curious look "Well I'd hope she had decided on a college before graduation."

I rolled my eyes "That's really your only comment? You've been bothering me about that information all night."

She shrugged "I was just irritated you pretended not to know what I was talking about."

"Interesting." I mockingly said in a deep mysterious tone

It was now her turn to roll her eyes "Touché Ms. Bardot."


(A/N) Please don't forget to like, comment, and follow! It really does help and I appreciate you all so much! ❤️

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