34: Secrets

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One of the guards had brought up our breakfast about an hour ago and boy was it delicious! We had ordered from some local place and gotten pancakes, eggs, bacon, hash browns, and orange juice. Parker had gone up to her apartment and got a bottle of champagne and some glasses so we could make mimosas and we had settled into the seating area overlooking the city to eat.

"I can see now why you spend so much time here." Luna laughed before taking another sip of her mimosa

I rolled my eyes "Hey! I do work too it's not all fun."

"We'll I'd hope you do some work while you're here considering you basically live here at this point." Luna teased

I shrugged and took a sip of my mimosa before replying "I actually created an entire marketing plan that got approved."

"She did it was one of the best proposals I've ever been presented with." Parker nodded

Luna gave me a glance "Sounds like you've been killing it here."

I laughed nervously and shrugged "Yeah I guess, I'm still learning the ropes though."

Seems like I learn something new every time I turn around in this place.

After awhile we all said our good byes and I had asked Parker to let me walk Luna out alone. She had seemed conflicted but had reluctantly agreed despite whatever was holding her back.

"I'm really worried about Aurora." Luna stated looking over at me

I literally gulped as my my mind went blank "Me too."

"It's all just really strange," Luna stated before pausing a second as she looked back at me "that all the weirdness started when you got this internship."

"Just a strange coincidence I guess." I shrugged causing her to give me a look I had never seen before from her

She let out a sigh "I don't know what, but I know you're keeping something a secret."

"Why do you think that?"

She gave me a duh look "You're literally my best friend. You think I can't tell when something is off with you?"

I went silent a second thinking it over "Alright but if I tell you then you have to keep it a secret."

~1 Year Ago~

The music was blaring from all around and I could feel myself losing coordination by the second as I continued dancing to the beat. My vision was blurred and a thick layer of sweat was forming on my body as I moved. The club was packed tonight and I was more than enjoying excitement of grinding against strangers I'd probably never see again. Some woman with blonde hair came through a small parting in the crowd. As I focused on her face I recognized her instantly and felt my blood run cold. Our eyes locked and I knew she recognized me too, I mean how could she not we were only inches apart at this point.

"Harper." She mouthed, her voice too soft to be heard over the music

I stood frozen, too stunned to speak as she looked back at me.

I literally shook my head slightly to break myself from the trance and yelled out "Talia what are you doing here?"

She gave me her signature sexy smirk "If I told you then you'd have to keep it a secret."



The elevator opened and we stepped inside before I clicked the button and then leaned back against the wall watching the doors close us in.

"I will obviously keep whatever it is a secret Harper. I'm honestly a little offended you're so hesitant to tell me." Luna replied crossing her arms over her chest

I let out a sigh "It's just so new to me and honestly it's just kinda sensitive right now. I'm sorry I'm being so secretive and like basically fell off the side of the map. It's just all happened so fast."

"What has?" She asked looking over at me

I took a deep breathe and then whispered out "Me and Ms. West are kinda seeing each other."

She stood frozen, her mouth slightly agape as she stared back at me.


I put my finger to my lips and then let my hand fall as the doors opened and we walked out. As we walked out to the ground floor we walked through the chaotic reception area where customers and employees were engaged in a number of conversations. Once we made it out the front door and onto the street I let out a breathe.

I turned to look at her "I promise I will explain more soon but for now please just understand that beyond what I told you this is so much more complicated. I'm sorry I've been a shit friend but I promise I'm trying my best to manage right now and I'll do better."

She smiled weakly and nodded "Harp I know you're smart and that you can take care of yourself. Just make sure whatevet it is that you've got yourself wrapped up in besides the obvious," she paused seemingly thinking over what to say next "make sure you don't end up in so deep you can't get back out."

Too late.

I felt my stomach drop at her words and I bit my lip looking back at her. I was fighting back tears and I could feel my throat closing up as the seconds passed by.

"Are you okay?" She whispered

I shrugged and shook my head wrapping my arms around myself as I looked down at the ground "I will be Lune but for now I'm just really trying to hold it together and I'm failing miserably." I peeked my head up checking around us and didn't see anyone too close so I pulled her into a hug and whispered "I'm gonna be staying here for awhile, please be careful and we'll talk soon okay?"

She seemed surprised at first but then hugged me back tightly and whispered "You too."

We pulled apart and I gave her the best smile I could manage "Bye Lune, see you soon."

"See you soon." She nodded before turning and heading back in the direction of school

What the fuck have I gotten myself into?


(A/N) Please don't forget to like, comment, and follow! It really does help and I appreciate you all so much! ❤️

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