25: Morning After

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I woke to sunlight streaming in through the sliding glass doors to the right of the bed. I groggily tried to sit up but was held down by a weight on top of me. Upon inspection I realized that Parker's naked self had wrapped around me, making it impossible to move. I craned my neck looking around and saw our clothes, pillows, and blankets skewed across the bed and floor.

I let my head fall back down and took a deep breathe as I recalled the magical night Parker and I had shared. I couldn't remember falling asleep, but I did recall multiple mind blowing rounds of sex that must have ended with both of us passing out.

A moment later I felt Parker's head lift from my chest and she looked up at me. Her eyes were only half open and I could tell she was hardly awake.

"Good morning." She mumbled before letting her head fall back down again

A second later she half jumped up and sat next to me "Oh my god Harper."

I gave her a confused look "Yeah?"

"What time is it?" She questioned as she swung her legs over the side of the bed

I shrugged looking around for either of our phones but Parker found them first. She grabbed hers from next to mine on the night stand and audibly gasped as she read the time.

"We need to go right now." Parker stated as she started to sort through the clothes everywhere in the room

I stood up and we worked together to figure out what went to who before crowding in the bathroom to look at ourselves in the mirror.

"Jesus I look rough." She grumbled

I laughed "Not as rough as me."

To be honest we both were badly in need of a hair brush and possibly a shower.

"I'll have a stylist and fresh outfits waiting for us on the plane." Parker stated typing something before putting her phone away "Are you ready to go?"

I nodded and followed her out the bathroom and then out of the room to the hall where the guards were waiting.

Oh my god were they out here all night? Could they hear us... oh god.

"Good morning Ms. West, your car and plane are ready." The taller guard stated before leading us toward the elevator

The ride was less than eventful as there wasn't much conversation of any kind. Parker had been acting strange all morning and it was really starting to worry me considering what we had done last night. Once we arrived at the airport we were quickly escorted through security and onto the plane.

"Good Afternoon Ms. West, I am your stylist for this morning and my name is Joshua. Your outfits were delivered moments ago. They are both hanging in the bathroom for when you are ready." A young man with pink hair and a pierced ear stated

She nodded "Thank you, you can start with Ms. Bardot's hair."

He turned to me and smiled "Any idea what you'd like done?"

Parker slipped back towards the bathroom without a word leaving me up front with him.

"Uh, maybe just curled?" I shrugged

Once my hair had been brushed and curled, Joshua had done my make up before I had switched with Parker to get dressed. Once I was fully ready in yet another suit, this one blue, I had waited for her to finish getting her hair and make up done in the window seat I sat in yesterday. After awhile she came over and joined me, an awkward silence settling over us.

Finally she broke it "I'm sorry if I've been acting strange today."

I looked over at her "It's all good no worries."

She pursed her lips and tapped her foot tapping on the ground "I'm not good at this."

"At what?" I questioned

She shrugged looking down at her foot "Just feelings or whatever I guess."

"You don't have to be I would just prefer if you weren't so hot and cold all the time." I stated causing her to look up at me

She bit her lip seemingly thinking over what I had just said "I just get really overwhelmed sometimes and my self defense mechanism is to just shut down and ice people out. I know I need to work on it and I'll try to be more luke warm instead of ice cold from now on."

I smiled at her and reached over taking her hand in mine "Even if you are cold sometimes, I just need you to explain why once you're feeling less overwhelmed or whatever it may be."

"I can do that." She smiled nervously looking down at my lips and then back at me

I leaned in and kissed her gently for a brief moment before pulling back and seeing a cute blush on her cheeks.

"Read my mind." She whispered squeezing my hand

I gazed back at her "Interesting."

The rest of the flight was rather uneventful other than getting to cuddle and kiss Parker the whole way. Once we landed we were once again escorted off the plane, through security, and to Parker's car. Parker climbed into the drivers seat while I climbed into the passenger side before we both buckled and she started it up.

"Why is it you have less security when we're here than when we were in Dallas?" I asked looking over at her

She smirked back at me "I have more you just wouldn't realize."

"How so?" I questioned as I watched her drop her right hand over to me

I smiled and gently grasped her hand in mine as she replied "Well there's always at least two cars following us and on top of that we also have security posted on the streets I'm going to be driving. We have undercover agents, cameras, all kinds of crazy stuff to make sure nothing happens."

"Sounds pretty intense, are you sure you aren't pulling my leg?" I countered

She gave me an unamused look "Harper I would've thought you'd know and had seen enough to know I'm not."

I laughed at her attempt at being serious with me "I do, I was just pulling your leg."

She now joined in with me on the laughter "What is it with you and the pull a leg expression right now? It's such a not you phrase to say."

I shrugged smiling over at her "I like to keep you on your toes Ms. West."

"Mhm," she mumbled rolling her eyes "well you better be on your toes because we have a difficult situation to handle today."

"Which is?" I questioned

She looked back at me for a second before turning her attention back to the road "Aurora."


(A/N) Thank you all so much for the continued support and I'm so excited to continue sharing this story with all of you! Happy reading and writing!

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