35: Brush Fire

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Parker and I had both spent the rest of the day working on various projects and she had left for a number of different meetings throughout the day. I had primarily been focused on a couple details that had yet to be worked out for our marketing plan and despite Parker's strict instructions not to leave her office, I had ventured down to the marketing floor to ask Margaret a couple questions. Once we had figured everything out I headed right back up and found that she had luckily yet to return. I sat back at her desk and continued working through everything until I heard the door squeak open. I turned and saw her walking towards me with a look that made my blood run cold.

She stopped in front of me and then slammed a paper on my desk glaring down at me "I told you not to leave the office."

I looked down and saw a hand written note from Margaret referring to the fact that we had figured out the sponsorship with a couple different businesses this afternoon.

I looked up at her and shrugged "I needed to talk to Margaret and get a few things figured out."

Her eyes narrowed on my as she took the paper back and then went around and sat across from me "Why are you being like this?"

"Like what?" I asked throwing my hands up in the air "I am not your pet or your prisoner Parker. You don't get to tell me what to do every second of the day."

She fell silent and leaned back in her chair, her gaze still settled on me "I know that, I just don't understand you sometimes."

"All I did was get some work done on the marketing floor." I stated

She sighed "Alright fine, it's whatever."

I gave her a look "Well that was out of character."

"What was?"

I did air quotes "Its whatever."

"I've clearly been hanging out with you too much." She stated rolling her eyes and crossing her arms "I'm starved, would you like to go get something to eat?"

"Now you're changing the topic?"

"Do you?"

"Yes, but that's besides the point."

"I think it may be the literal point if I'm not mistaken." She shrugged before standing "So are you coming or not?"

"I suppose." I grumbled back

It was only about twenty minutes before we arrived at Parker's restaurant.

Peter greeted us as we walked in with a bright smile "Ah, Ms. West and Ms. Bardot, glad to see you two again. I'll take you right to your normal spot."

He grabbed us some silverware before leading us to the table and we all exchanged a few words before he headed back up front.

"So I need to talk to you about something." I stated causing Parker to instantly raise an eyebrow


"So um, Luna was kinda asking a lot of questions and was super like, I guess, suspicious of everything." I stated causing her eyes to narrow slightly with each word

"What did you say?" She questioned, her voice low

I bit my lip and shrugged "I told her that we're seeing each other."

She fell silent, her eyes wide as she looked back at me.

"Hello ladies how are you doing today?" Hanna smiled at us

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