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(A/N) ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This chapter contains situations that may be triggering to some individuals involving explosives, guns/shootings, and death.

‼️ P.S. If you're looking for another sapphic read then check out my book What's a Heart to a Soul that is available for free exclusively on Wattpad! ‼️



I spotted speakers in the corners and pointed to one "It's coming from the speakers."

Her voice continued on "So Parker, has Harper told you about our special time we spent together?" Parker looked over at me "Did she tell you about how I beat her, how I starved her, how I broke her down to nothing? Did she tell you that she cried out for you? That she cried herself to sleep every night she didn't get knocked out?"

"Shut the fuck up!" Parker yelled out causing the agents to look at her wide eyed

"Awe that's no way to speak to the person who literally decides if you live or die, now is it? Did I use that joke correctly Harp?" Aurora mocked, a sharp feedback coming from over the speakers "I will let the federal agents go, but you and Harper must stay."

"Why would we listen to you?" Parker called out spinning around seemingly trying to figure out where she was

"Because I could blow this place to pieces with the push of a button, and I don't think you want that, now do you?" She laughed as Parker froze staring down at the ground

"Let Harper go too, she has nothing to do with this." She stated

"I'm not leaving you!" I yelled out putting my hand on her shoulder as she looked up at me "I can't lose you."

"How sweet, unfortunately this isn't up for debate and I think she has everything to do with this, all things considered." Aurora stated, a distorted laugh coming over the speakers

Parker looked around at the agents and sighed "Get out of here guys."

"Ms. West that's a terrible plan." One of the men stated

"There's no other option, just please go." She yelled pointing the way we had came in

He shook his head and waved for the others to follow as he headed back to where we had come from.

"What's the plan?" I whispered to her

She shook her head "There is no plan Harper."

"Alright now that it's just us I'd like to tell you a story." Auroras voice stated over the speaker "My parents were taken from me when I was just a kid, when I was still just learning to tie my shoes and ride a bike. I had to visit them in prison with an inch of plastic between us and do you know whose fault that is Parker?"

"The US Government." Parker stated

Aurora let out a shaky laugh "Oh that's funny, so you do know who I am? You finally figured it out huh? Well why don't we get more specific? Who took my parents from me Parker?"

Parker let out a deep breathe "My parents."

"Precisely," Aurora started before continuing on "and I'm sure the name Dean Harrington rings a bell?"

"Yes." Parker mumbled back

"Did you know that he personally slit the throats of your parents? That we've been onto you for years and that you're the reason the West's were killed? Have you not noticed that everyone you have ever cared about has mysteriously shown up dead?" She taunted as Parker closed her eyes, a pained expression on her face "I can't wait to add Harper to that list."

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