33: Lunar Landing

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After getting ready for the day I had went out to the hall and down to the scanner that actually was programmed to let me through now that Parker had stopped treating me like a prisoner. Once past the guards and onto the elevator I took it down to Parker's office and then got off before going over to the door and knocking.

"Come in!" She called out

I walked inside and she looked up smiling at me as I shut the door.

"Good morning." I smiled as I walked over to her

She smiled back "Good morning, glad to see you seeming so happy this morning."

"I'd be happier if I had breakfast." I shrugged

She let out a melodic laugh that was music to my ears "Should I send for delivery or would you like me to take you somewhere?"

"I have a car you know." I stated with my arms crossed over my chest

She rolled her eyes "Yes I'm aware but I'd prefer to eat with you since I'm also starving."

I let out a sigh "Sorry I shouldn't be so rude to you."

"I'm used to it." She joked looking up at me with a smirk

I uncrossed my arms and stared back at her "Let's just get delivery and get some work done."

"Work?" She questioned looking up at me

I nodded "Yes, I'd like to get back to work."

"Even after everything you found out you still want to actually do the internship?"

"Yes of course I do."

She let out a breathe and then shrugged "I'm glad to hear that, I guess I'm just a bit surprised."


She paused a moment "I suppose it does make sense for you, it's just most people would take this as a free hotel stay."

"I like working here and I like contributing to the success of the company." I replied with a shrug "I'm honestly a little offended that you took me for someone who would take advantage of the situation."

"I wouldn't say it would be taking advantage as much as getting redemption for everything I put you through." She countered

"Either way I'd like to work." I stated

A loud knock at the door caused both of us to jump before Parker yelled out "Come in!"

A breathless looking Jack seemed rather disheveled as he came in and rather abruptly spoke "There is some girl named Luna downstairs that would like to speak with Harper."

Luna came to see me?

"Is everything alright?" Parker asked standing and going around the desk towards him

He sighed closing his eyes for a second "She's causing a real scene downstairs."

I walked over to them and chimed in "She's a real handful when she wants to be."

Parker pursed her lips "Alright have them bring her up."

"Will do." He nodded before going back out to the hall

Parker turned to me giving me a strange look "Did you know she was coming?"

"No, last I talked to her was when I texted her last night." I replied

She nodded and then shrugged before going back over to her seat behind her desk.

"You maintain your composure quite well in most situations." I commented as I went over and sat down once more

She glanced up at me "I suppose so, I just generally don't see the point in panicking. It's not like it's going to change what's already happened."

"That's a good way to look at things." I smiled back at her

"So why do you think your friend is working so hard to get in and see you?"

"She's probably just worried. It's out of character for me to just drop off the side of the map and casually just reappear with a text."

A knock on the door caused both of us to turn our attention to the back of the room. The door swung open and the guard from before and Luna walked in.

I stood up and walked over "Hey Lune long time no see."

She smiled back "Harp I was getting worried!"

I hugged her tightly and she hugged back, both of us clearly excited to see each other.

As we pulled back I could see her expression changing "So what the hell has caused you to go go MIA? I mean I understand you've been busy and went on a trip but to straight up ignore me for three days is excessive!"

I sighed and nodded "I know and I'm really sorry I've been an absent friend lately. I promise never to go that long without texting back again."

"You better not I was worried sick." She grumbled crossing her arms over her chest "And to make things worse I haven't heard from Aurora in days! She sent me some lame text saying that she needed to go find herself by going away for awhile and now all my messages don't deliver."

Well shit, what did ever happen to her?

"Yeah I got the same text it was super weird." I lied, feeling my stomach turn as I awkwardly changed the subject, my voice barely a whisper "I uh, should probably introduce you to Ms. West by the way."

We both silently turned and saw that she was staring us down with her hands folded on the desk in front of her.

"So um, Luna this is Ms. West and Ms. West this is Luna." I stated waving between the two

Luna stood frozen, her eyes going wide as Ms. West stood and walked towards us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Parker stated holding her hand out

Luna awkwardly took it and nervously shook her hand "You as well."

Parker retracted her hand "I apologize for having kept your friend so busy lately."

"That's okay, I was just worried." She replied looking over at me and then back to Parker "You have a really nice office."

"Thank you," Parker nodded "so Luna we were just about to order breakfast, would you care to stay and eat with us?"

Luna smiled back "Yeah I'd love to!"

Well this is definitely not how I saw the morning going, not that I'm complaining.


(A/N) Please don't forget to like, comment, and follow! It really does help and I appreciate you all so much! ❤️

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