12: Wait It Out

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Figure out what to do with me?

I looked up at her crossing my arms over my chest once more "What do you mean? You just said that I didn't do anything wrong."

"Yeah but that doesn't change that you know too much." She shrugged

"I don't know anything!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air "I mean seriously all I know is you own a club and that you don't fuck around about people spying on you. I signed the NDA, what more can I do to get you to trust me?"

~4 Years Ago~

"Why don't you trust me?" I questioned feeling the tears threatening to spill over

She seemed a taken back for a moment "I do trust you."

"No you don't Talia," I stated shaking my head "you're so scared I'm going to hurt you and  you won't even give me a chance and that's hurting both of us."

"Maybe," she shrugged "but it's better than letting you get close and then losing you."


She gave me a rather surprised look "Well you're gonna have to know me for a lot longer than a couple days for starters."

"Okay that's fair," I stated looking down at my hands I let fall into my lap "but like in this situation, what can I do?"

She shrugged "Just stay loyal and wait it out I guess."

I swear I heard a slight voice crack as she said that and her eyes were so dull and vulnerable as she stared back at me, both of us equally as surprised as the other.

"Okay I can do that." I replied reaching out and taking her hand in mine

What am I doing?

I gulped and felt my heart rate increasing steadily as my palms began to sweat, hopefully not enough to be noticeable.

She looked down at our interlocked fingers and squeezed my hand whispering just loudly enough to be audible "Thank you."

She withdrew her hand to her side of the desk and stood without warning as she headed to the door. She opened it and whispered something to the guy in the hall before closing the door once more.

She waved for me to follow her over to the seating area and I happily obliged. I sat across from her as I had for my interview and watched her as she looked out of the window in silence.

"You're very interesting Ms. Bardot." She stated still gazing out the window

"So we're back on a last name basis are we?" I questioned

She glared over at me "We never weren't on a last name basis as far as I knew."

"You've called me Harper multiple times today and once at dinner on Friday." I stated with a shrug "I would at least consider that half."

She rolled her eyes "I suppose."

"I've noticed that no one calls you by your first name, is there a reason for that?" I questioned

"Yes," she replied instantly "I don't let anyone call me by my first name."

"Not even your friends?" I pressed on

She shrugged "I don't really have friends."

"Family?" I asked causing her entire demeanor to change as she turned to look out the window once more

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