22: Navigation

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The flight had felt like no time at all and when we had landed I was honestly kinda sad we would have to go back to reality of whatever the hell craziness was up next. Don't get me wrong it's been like dream spending so much time in Parker's world but it's also extremely overwhelming pretty much every second I've experienced so far.

Once we had exited the plane we had been led to a black Tahoe which we climbed into the backseat of before being driven to a super fancy hotel. From there we were escorted by two security guards through the lobby, up the elevator, and down the hall to room 901.

Once inside I instantly let myself fall back onto the bed "God your life is tiring. I would normally have just been to a class and the office at this point in the day."

"Don't complain when you just got to drink mimosas on a private plane before being taken to a five star hotel." Parker stated giving me a look

"Yeah I guess it isn't soooo bad." I laughed as I sat up "Besides here I thought we were taking it slow and you've decided to fly me out to a hotel room."

Her cheeks started to flush in an instant "For business."

"So not for pleasure?" I countered clearly catching her off guard

"N-no." She stuttered out

Damn I must have her really nervous if she's stuttering.

I shrugged and then stood up walking closer to her "So when do we need to go to this meeting?"

"Oh," she pulled her phone out of her pocket to look at the time "right now."

"That was a quick turn around, why even get the hotel room?" I questioned

A knock at the door caused us both to jump and then exchange a glance.

"Ms. West, Mr. North is here." A deep voice called through the door

West? North? Are South and East arriving shortly?

She turned and leaned in close causing my breathe to hitch as she whispered in my ear "No names, I am Ms. West and you are Ms. Nav, do you understand?"

I was silent a second before whispering back "Lame name, but yes."

She let out a sigh and then spoke loudly "Let him in."

The door opened and a tall pale white man with electric blue eyes and a freshly trimmed beard entered. He was dressed in a expensive looking Royal blue suit and seemed presented as rather confident.

"Good afternoon Ms. West, how's the real estate business treating you?" He questioned in a rather condescending tone

She crossed her arms over her chest "Better than the car business considering the chip shortage I'm sure."

He rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue three times "Now, now is that anyway to treat someone you're asking a favor from?" he turned to me "And who are you?"

"Ms. Nav, my assistant." Parker stated

He gave me a wicked smile "Nice to meet you Ms. Navigation, the pleasure is all mine."

He extended his hand out and I took it shaking firmly "Nice to meet you as well."

He squeezed tighter for a second before releasing and smirked at me "So will you be assisting throughout the entirety of this placement?"

"Leave her alone, we have a lot to talk about and it's going to take forever at this rate." Parker stated, her fists clenched and eyes narrowed

He held his hands up in defense, a cocky grin playing on his lips "Alright fine have it your way."

"So look, what we want from each other is simple but how we go about it is not." Parker stated pausing a moment, her posture seeming slightly more relaxed "I propose that the exchange happens in two parts so that everyone can get what they want without worry of the other not delivering."

"How would we go about that precisely?" He asked putting his hands in his pockets and leaning back against the wall

"You get half upfront and the other half after completion. The closing transaction will remain on hold until the placement has been confirmed as safely moved and in a new location you are not to know." She stated causing him to purse his lips

He let out a sigh leaning forward slightly "How will I know that this second payment will even be received?"

"This is how we do every placement and we have always delivered on our end." She stated with a shrug leaning casually back against the dresser "Did you have a better system in mind."

"No I suppose not." He grumbled out "Alright, let's get started then."

She nodded and went over to the door knocking twice before walking back over and standing next to me. A few moments later the door opened and one of the bell hops came in with a trolley. He placed it inbetween us and Mr. North, did a sort of weird bow thing and then once again exited the room.

"Puedes salir ahora." Parker stated in Spanish

She knows Spanish? Is there anything she can't do? I mean other than stop constantly fucking surprising me.

The cart moved slightly as the curtain was pushed to the side and a young woman climbed out into our view.

"Gracias por ayudarme." The woman whispered smiling nervously over at Parker

"De nada, el Sr. North te estará ayudando ahora." Parker whispered, extending her arm toward Mr. North

He smiled at the young woman and mouthed "Hola."

"Hola señor." She whispered back nervously

He turned his attention back to Parker "The first cut?"

"Check your account." She stated crossing her arms over her chest

He pulled out his phone and clicked through a few things before his lips curved up into a smile.

"Pleasure doing business with you." He grinned

"You as well." Parker replied extending her hand out

He took it shaking it before stepping back "Pleasure meeting you Ms. Navigation."

"You as well Mr. North." I nodded before following Parker out to the hall

The two guards nodded to us as we passed but remained silent.

Once inside the elevator I turned to Parker "What the fuck just happened?"

She put a finger to her lips and then spoke "He's such an ass I can't believe he rejected my offer."

I paused a moment "Yeah he seemed like a real dick."

"Invited us to his hotel room for a business meeting and then orders room service and tries to sleep with us, what an ass." She grumbled

Am I missing something?

"Yeah for real." I replied

"Looks like we wasted the trip." She sighed

I shrugged "Who says we can't make the most of it?"

"Hmm," she hummed as though deep in thought "you may be onto something."


(A/N) Please don't forget to like, comment, and follow! It really does help and I appreciate you all so much! ❤️

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