27: Answers

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(A/N) ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This chapter contains situations that may be triggering to some individuals involving torture.



"Harper are you seriously just going to ignore me?" Parker questioned as I just shrugged in response

Aurora laughed "This is the most amusing thing I've ever watched."

"Shut up." Parker growled

Aurora rolled her eyes "This is literally the worst interrogation ever."

"Oh my bad," Parker stated coldly, moving and sitting casually on the table facing Aurora "let's get back to that."

Aurora gave her an amused look "Hard to get back to something that never even started."

Parker let out a breathe and then laughed as she stood and walked over to the door. She knocked in a weird rhythm and a moment later the door swung open and two men in black suits rolled in a cart with a big machine. Wires came out of it on two ends and once they let it go Parker took the wires and hooked them up to Parker's fingers and two on her temples.

Parker turned on the machine and smirked over at Aurora "So this is gonna be really simple, you are now attached to a lie detector and an electroshock machine. If you lie you will be shocked, if you piss me off you will be shocked, and if you cooperate we'll see how I'm feeling about whether or not you get shocked.

Aurora smirked and shrugged "Alright boss."

Parker clicked a button and a bzzt sound filled the room as Aurora shook and her eyes rolled back slightly.

"Don't play fucking games with me right now." Parker stated with the same authority I had only heard a few times since knowing her

Aurora seemed less cocky now as she nodded nervously looking over at me, her eyes searching mine for something, sympathy maybe?

"Do you know Miles Turner?" Parker asked looking over at her

"Yes." Aurora stated


"Are you aware of his affiliations with the Kummon Company?"



"Do you know what the Kummon Company does outside of its legal operations?"



"What do they do?"

"Private Investigation into persons under Witness protection primarily but they like to get their hands dirty with some assassinations and the likes as well."


"What is your involvement in all of this?"

Aurora paused glaring back at Parker as though challenging her in some way. Parker reached for the button but I put my hand over hers before she could.

She looked back at me but I stared straight at Aurora "Just answer the question."

Parker turned back to look at her and she sighed "Fine, I've worked with a few of the companies associated with what Kummons specializes in so to speak." She paused looking between us "Let's just say, we have a mutually beneficial relationship."


"Seems like a pretty extensive cover to go to school, make friends and everything. Why didn't you just apply for the internship yourself?" Parker questioned

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