26: Parker's Ploy

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(A/N) Hope you guys are as excited as I am for the five new chapters to finally be released! Thank you to everyone who voted to get us to over 700 and a special shout out to Captaincait22 for being the one to push us to that 700 votes mark!



Parker had rushed me from the minute we arrived back at West towers and my anxiety was at an all time high. Up until now the reality of Aurora possibly being some agent for whatever or whoever is against Parker hadn't really set in. Now as we ascended to the 59th floor I could hear my heart beat pounding in my ears and my palms sweating more than I'm proud of. Once we made it past security Parker led me straight to the sound proof metal room without a word. The room was completely empty and we sat in our respective spots that we had last time we were in here.

"Alright so firstly I'd like to explain our little trip to Dallas now that we're able to speak freely." Parker stated pausing a second before continuing on "The woman who we helped at the Hotel was actually the princess of a foreign nation that was entrusted into our care. Mr. North is an ally of ours whom has worked with us many times in transporting at risk individuals to their new locations. Luckily we also work with him professionally on the books as well which is why it's easier to meet with him and pass it off as normal. He is a bit of a dick at times but he's never once failed to deliver."

"Oh wow okay, that makes a lot of sense." I replied leaning back in the seat and crossing my arms over my chest "So is that why we had the weird cover up conversation as we left the room?"

"Yes, and why I was selective about the volume at which I spoke about specific things even in the room." She replied giving me a curious look "You handled everything extremely well by the way."

"Thanks," I shrugged "I just went along with it."

"Well I'm gonna need you to really try and maintain that same level of composure today because things are going to be a bit more personal this time." She stated looking over at me "They brought Aurora in for questioning."

"When?" I asked nervously tapping my foot

"Late last night."

"Where is she now?"

"A room over."

I looked up at her "Seriously?"

She pursed her lips and leaned back crossing her arms over her chest "You already seem to be losing your cool and we aren't even in a room with her."

I rolled my eyes "Just surprised is all."

She gave me a strange look and then sighed "Look we really need this to go well so please try to not let her get to you."

"You still never even told me what she did or what it is she's doing that's bad." I stated glaring back at her

She leaned forward staring back at me intensely "She's been seen with multiple high profile individuals who have been known conspirators of for hire companies that find, take hostage, and kill the very people this company has spent years trying to protect. The US Marshals Service has spent decades trying to make sure that WITSEC, which is the Witness Security Program, is as efficient and safe as possible for the individuals who are in danger but these conspirators and companies are hell bent on ruining that and helping very very bad people in finding the individuals in WITSEC."

I stood frozen a second as I processed everything she had just said before I stuttered out "She's really involved in all that?"

Parker nodded and shrugged "People aren't always as they seem."

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