24: Desired Interest

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(A/N) ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This chapter contains sexual content which honestly most of you are probably pretty hyped about so enjoy!



We had ended up just eating and talking for hours on the bed that had previously intimidated me beyond measure. We had both grown tired of the full suits being on so we were both now just in white undershirts and black slacks, which Parker still managed to look professional in some how. Regardless it was really nice to be able to just relax and get to know Parker better but it seemed I had wandered upon a rather sensitive topic.

"So why don't you let anyone call you by your first name?" I questioned curiously

She looked down seeming deep in thought before looking back up at me "Well, West isn't my actual last name, but Parker is my real first name, so I guess it's just kinda personal. It's really the only part of myself that I have left at this point."

"So you didn't change your first name when the West's adopted you?" I questioned

She shrugged "Yes and no, it's all quite complicated but Parker was my name assigned at birth. Growing up for awhile under protection I had a bunch of different names but once I was officially adopted, the danger was gone. I begged to find out my real name so the West's did some digging and well, it was Parker."

"Wow, no wonder it means so much to you." I half whispered taking her hand and squeezing it lightly

She blushed looking down at our hands "Yeah and honestly I don't even understand why I'm so sensitive about it. I guess it just kinda feels wrong when people who don't know me, know and use the one thing that actually has meaning to me if that makes sense."

I nodded "Yeah it makes complete sense and I'm sorry if I upset you when I called you that."

She paused and looked up at me her eyes vulnerable "Honestly it was different when you called me Parker and it was really overwhelming which is why I lost it."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

She shrugged "Well I don't really like people much and honestly I don't have any friends and I don't have any family left so it's weird for me to be around someone that I guess I, I guess care about in some way."

I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks as it often did around her "I care about you too, you know that right?"

"I think so." She stated staring back at me

The feeling that passed through me was so intense and foreign. It was as though we were really looking at each other for the first time and I just knew it in that moment that my barriers were crumbling.

"Harper?" She whispered

"Yes?" I replied not looking away for even a second

She paused a moment seemingly contemplating what she would say next "Interesting isn't it."

"It really is." I smiled

She let out a breathe and then moved to the edge of the bed to stand "I think we should move all of the food."

My head was instantly in the gutter.

"Oh, uh yeah let me help." I replied standing and helping her move the plates to the dresser

As I set the last one down I felt her hands running down my sides before resting on my hips.

She leaned in, her breathe hitting my neck and sending chills down my spine "Harper I really want you."

Conflict of InterestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora