23: Wrinkled Suit

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Parker and I had indeed decided to stay the night and she had already made a reservation at a hotel by the time we arrived at a club downtown. We had both agreed that we needed a drink after whatever the hell today was and boy was I excited. We were probably a bit over dressed but Parker was still let in through the VIP entrance without so much as a second look.

"I'm gonna order us a bottle." She whispered to me as we sat at a secluded and roped off booth in the corner

I leaned back in the booth crossing my arms over my chest "You know we need to talk about earlier at some point right?"

Her eyes narrowed "Of course Harper but now is literally the worst possible time and you know that."

She then went under the rope and past security clearly heading for the bar without even a glance back at me. I let out a sigh and after a moment I decided it was probably best to go find her and apologize. I unhooked and rehooked the gate before heading in the direction I had seen her going. When I spotted her I could literally feel my heart stop for a second. A bunch of girls were literally all over her and one was even pulling at her tie! I walked straight over without a second thought and then stopped when Parker met my gaze, panic evident in her eyes.

"Damn, nice suit beautiful." I stated as I looked her up and down before purposely reaching behind her in such a way that my tits were inches from her face as a grabbed the bottle and then looked her dead in the eyes "You should come join me in VIP, I'll show you a better time than these wannabes that are just wrinkling your suit."

She stood frozen for a moment, as did the girls around us. The one holding her tie let it go and glared at me clearly trying to think of a clever come back.

Parker raised one eye brow and then licked her lips "Alright, lead the way then."

I smirked and extended my hand to her which she took and walked with me back towards the booth.

"What was all of that?" She questioned looking over at me

I shrugged "Nothing."

I unhooked the rope letting her go in first before latching it behind us and going to sit on the couch with her.

"So let me ask again, what was that all about?" She repeated

I shrugged and then popped open the bottle before taking a swig from it.

"The conversation was better at the bar, maybe I should go back." She teased

I rolled my eyes "Fine, I went to apologize and I got jealous when I saw a bunch of girls all over you."

"They were hardly all over me Harper." She laughed

I glared back at her without saying a word.

"I didn't take you for the jealous type."

"I'm not."

"I think you might be."

"Maybe a little." I sighed holding the bottle out to her "Here drink this so you stop pestering me."

She took it and gave me a strange look "Pestering?"

"Yes." I grumbled

She rolled her eyes and then took a swig from the bottle before speaking "You've been quite grumpy today."

"To be fair, today has been kinda crazy." I stated

"It's just another Thursday for me." She shrugged nonchalantly

After finishing off the bottle we had gone out to the dance floor and god was Parker a good dancer. I literally couldn't take my eyes off her as she swayed her hips to the rhythm of the music. She looked back at me, clearly catching me checking her out and smirked backing closer to me. I started grinding back against her and I swear I could catch aflame at any moment from the heat between us. I nervously rested my hands over hers on my hips and tried my best to keep in tune with the music.

Suddenly she spun me around to face her and wrapped her arms around my neck "You're quite difficult to control myself around."

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks "I could say the same about you."

She leaned in, placing a short fiery kiss on my lips before pulling back and nervously smiling at me "What do you say we get out of here?"

I nodded biting my lip as she took my hand and pulled me towards the exit. With her free hand she took out her phone and texted something before putting it back into her pocket. We went through the doors outside where a security guard was waiting for us. He walked us a ways down the street to a parking lot before opening the door to a solid black Tahoe. We both climbed into the backseat before he shut it and went around to the passenger side. The driver was also wearing a solid black suit and both men remained silent as we pulled out of the lot.

Parker was sitting in the middle seat and I on the passenger side with my head resting on her shoulder as we rode through the city streets. She gently took my hand in hers and my heart fluttered as she turned and our lips were mere centimeters apart.

"Thank you for coming with me on this trip." She whispered

"I didn't have much of a choice." I replied

She shrugged "You say that like you haven't enjoyed it."

The rest of the drive went by quickly and when we arrived at the hotel the guard got out and opened our door. We both slid out before being led into the elevator. Once inside the guard clicked the button and then we sat in silence until the familiar, yet distorted, ding rang out. We all got off and then walked down the hall and then stopped at the door to the room. The guard opened it for us and then held the door as we went in before going out and letting it shut behind him.

The room was very modern and everything seemed to be on a grey scale from the walls to the decor to the... single queen bed. I could feel my palms starting to sweat and my heart beat was thumping loud enough that my ears were ringing ever so slightly. I felt dizzy as the realization that we'd be alone in this room all night hit me like a ton of bricks.

"You okay?" Parker asked looking over at me

I nodded trying my best to regain my composure "Yeah sorry."

She gave me a curious look but must have decided not to push the topic "Are you hungry?"

Actually I was starving considered we hadn't eaten anything in quite awhile.

"Yeah I could eat." I replied

She smiled going over to the room phone "I'll order room service."


(A/N) Please don't forget to like, comment, and follow! It really does help and I appreciate you all so much! ❤️

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