38: BAM!

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(A/N) ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This chapter contains situations that may be triggering to some individuals involving explosives, guns, and shootings.



I had stayed in Parker's room every day since Thursday night when we had, well, you know. Things between us had been going better than ever and we had made tons of progress in the marketing plan Friday. This weekend Parker had kind of been in and out due to something she couldn't tell me about but that she claimed wasn't anything to worry about, which makes no sense, but sure okay.

It was now Monday and I had somehow convinced Parker to let me walk over to Cup of Klara to get us some coffee and breakfast sandwiches. Once I had paid I balanced the carrier with the drinks and sandwiches and used my shoulder to push open the door. I was greeted by a gust of cool, brisk, wind and the crisp sharp smell of fall. It had been getting colder the past week or so and honestly I was more than enjoying the changing colors of the leaves and cold nights cuddled up with Parker.

As the building came into view I heard a loud BAM that came from above. I looked up and saw a cloud of smoke and dust falling from the higher floors. Seconds later a second explosion bursted from a lower floor, the pressure nearly knocking me over as I dropped the tray. My eyes were wide, my heart racing, and my body frozen as I watched the third explosion erupt from the middle of the building. My ears were ringing as the flames waved mockingly down at me. Suddenly I came to my senses as a single solitary thought filled my head: Parker. Without even thinking I ran straight toward the building, nearly getting taken out by a car or truck in the process. The tunnel vision took over completely as I ran past the front gate of the parking garage.

"Stop!" The guard yelled after me as I only sped up

Once to the elevator I repeatedly clicked the button but it didn't light up as it usually did. I cursed aloud to myself before turning and seeing an entry way to the stairs. I ran over and swung open the door before running up the steps, a multitude of people pushing past me to go down. The stairs only became more and more crowded with people pushing past one another to get out of the smoky stairwell. My eyes stung and my lungs burned from a combination of running and the obvious.

Suddenly I felt a hand wrap around my wrist causing me to look up and see one of the guards "Ms. Bardot I need you to come with me."

I looked back at him stunned as he pulled me down, the opposite way I was going. His dirty blonde hair was disheveled, his tan face covered in soot.

"I need to get Parker!" I yelled back

He seemed to be growing irritated, his eyes dark "Ms. West will be escorted out but I need you to come with me right now."

"Fine." I muttered before turning and following the guard with the crowd

Once to the third level we spilled out with some others and he started dead ass sprinting across the lot yelling back to me "Hurry!"

He pulled out a key and clicked a button causing a black Audi to light up. I ran over to the passenger side and quickly slid into the seat as he did the same and then started up the car. We both slammed our doors shut and before I could even buckle he put the car in reverse and we peeled out of the spot.

I got the buckle as he shifted and we sped forward causing me to peek up. I noticed a figure in all black with a ski mask on near the gate holding a gun pointed right at us.

"Gun!" I yelled ducking down

The guard turned the wheel to the left hard and it felt as though we are floating as we drifted past the gate and onto the street as gun shots rung out from all around.

~1 Year Ago~

My heart was racing, my palms were sweating, and my mind was in a fog. The bartender sat our drinks down with a loud clink before smiling at me as my head snapped up to look at her.

"That'll be six fifty each." She stated

I pulled out a twenty and handed it to her "This is for both."

She smiled taking it before turning to the cash register and then handing me back my change.

I placed the five on the far edge of the bar and then turned back to Talia "So are you gonna tell me what you're doing here?"

She shrugged and took a sip of her captain and Coke "What would be the fun in that?"

"I thought you moved away for school." I stated

"I did, I'm just visiting." She replied casually before taking another sip of her drink

I rolled my eyes and took a big gulp of my drink before replying "I missed you."

She gave me a strange look, silence settling over us as a loud BAM sound echoed through the room. Everyone seemingly froze, not a soul making a sound over the music until a second more defined gun shot rang out. In an instant screams erupted throughout the entire building and everyone started running. The chaotic scene before me had completely captured my attention and I was seemingly frozen in place.


"Ms. Bardot are you okay?" The guard yelled from beside me breaking me from the memory

I looked over at him, my consciousness slowly returning "Yeah I'm fine."

He let out a sigh and focused back on the road swerving through traffic and heading straight for the entrance ramp to get on the highway.

"Where are we going?" I asked looking over at him

He maintained his focus his voice low "A predetermined secret secondary location."

"Will Parker be there?" I asked

He paused a second looking over at me and then back to the road "She should be."

Should be?

"What does that mean?" I questioned glaring over at him

He went silent and I felt my stomach drop as I thought over the implications.

"Have you not heard anything from the other guards?" I half yelled

He glared over at me "We're all on radio silence so as not to blow our positions."

I let out a irritated sigh "I should've just kept going up to find her myself."

"Yeah because you dying would've really helped the situation." He grumbled as we merged lanes


(A/N) Please don't forget to like, comment, and follow! It really does help and I appreciate you all so much! ❤️

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