17: Classified Conundrum

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Yesterday had possibly been the most awkward experience of my life and I couldn't even explain why! I mean really it's not like me and Parker are dating, hell we're barely even friends and I feel guilty and weird for having simply gone to dinner with a girl I could've actually had interest in!

"I'm sorry babe how many times do I have to apologize!" The jock behind me exclaimed breaking me from my thoughts

I turned slightly to see him and the blonde who had sat with me last week glaring between each other.

"Apologies don't change what happened." She grumbled crossing her arms over her chest

I let out a breathe and turned back around to face the front of the class.

Suddenly my professor, Mr. Stephan's stopped and looked directly in my direction "You two in the back either need to break up or shut up because it's literally impossible to even teach with you two whining back there."

The entire class let out a chuckle except me and the annoying couple behind me.

They both went quiet and the blonde girl awkwardly mumbled back "Sorry sir we'll be quiet."

The rest of class went pretty smooth and as I went to exit the room the blonde girl cut me off.

"Thank you." She stated awkwardly

I have her a strange look "For what?"

"Not laughing," She shrugged "and giving me a pencil, and just being literally the only person whose nice to me at this school."

Blondie is like the one of the most popular girls in school what the hell is she talking about?

"Uh, no problem." I nodded with a slight shrug "That's just basic human decency no need to thank me."

She nodded and then turned and left without another word. I followed her out the door and then headed straight to my dorm to hopefully finally get some of my homework done.

~The Next Day~

"Harper you're awfully early today." Margaret stated as I sat at my desk

The office was eerily quiet compared to normal as there were only a few people here so far.

"I wanted to get some work done before the chaos broke out." I stated with a shrug

She smiled "Smart move, unfortunately Ms. West instructed me to send you up to her office when you arrived."

"Oh, okay I'll head there now." I nodded feeling my stomach starting to do gymnastics or some shit

I nervously made my way to the elevator and got in before riding up and getting out at her office floor. I got out and noticed her door was open so I nervously walked right in and saw something I did not expect what so ever.

Parker had a gun in hand as she stared out at the city through the tall windows of the room. She turned to see me and didn't seem fazed in the slightest as she tucked the gun into the waistband of her pants and covered it with her jacket.

"Miss Bardot thank you for joining me this morning, there are some things we need to discuss." She paused a moment waving to the chair opposite her as she sat at her desk "Please take a seat."

Nervously I complied without a word and she stared at me, a thick silence settling over us.

"The marketing plan has been going really well." She stated opening a drawer and pulling out a stack of papers

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