32: Too Early

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Once we had dried off and changed we had settled in with a bowl of popcorn to watch a movie. This time we had settled on a comedy called Free Guy and it was actually really funny!

"This movie is hilarious." Parker laughed before reaching for another handful of popcorn

I laughed along with her "I know right!"

We each continued to grab handfuls of pop
corn from the bowl while watching the movie until we both reached in at the same time. As our hands touched we both looked at each other and then pulled our hands back simultaneously.

"Sorry." She mumbled out, clearly blushing even in the dim lighting

I smiled back at her "No worries it's not like we haven't held hands, among other things."

Her eyes went wide "Yeah I suppose you're right."

I could sense a change in the energy between us now as she nervously turned her attention back to the movie. I was more than aware that I held all the power now between us as she wouldn't make a move on me. Knowing I was completely in control of what would happen and if it would happen was exhilarating and making it terribly difficult to not take advantage just a bit.

"Parker?" I whispered letting my hand slide off the pillow and onto her thigh

She turned to look at me a lustful look behind her gaze "Yes?"

I smirked letting my eyes flicker down to her cleavage shown by her tank top and then back up to her chocolate eyes staring back at me.

"I like this tank top you're wearing." I stated smirking at her

She did look sexy as hell.

I mean it's completely unfair how good she looks in a simple white tank top and black shorts!

"T-thanks." She stuttered out

"You okay?" I questioned knowing damn well she was struggling

She nodded "Yeah fine."

I nodded and then turned back to the movie, my hand still on her thigh. Her leg twitched slightly a moment later and we both turned making direct eye contact.

"Are you purposely turning me on?" She questioned

I shrugged removing my hand "I have no idea what you mean."

"I think you do." She countered before turning back to the movie

We both remained quiet as we watched the end of the movie and as the credits started to roll she turned to look at me "So have you made up your mind about what you want to do in regards to your living situation?"

I let out a sigh looking down at my legs criss crossed on the couch "I can't risk putting others in danger, especially not Luna. I'm gonna stay here but I have a few requests."

I could see a smile plastered on her face "Which are?"

"I need to see Luna but I can't risk her being in danger so it needs to be done carefully. I also need to visit my mom and brother at some point, but again, I don't want to risk anything happening to any of them."

"Okay I will work on figuring out a good way to make both things happen. I'm sorry that this is all so complicated."

I shrugged "It's not like you asked for it to be."

"Yeah but I still got you as involved as you are without warning you. Now you don't even get a choice on whether or not this is really a lifestyle you want to live."

"It's the lifestyle I'm choosing now."

She nodded seeming unconvinced "Yeah I guess so but still I can't help but feel bad for getting you involved in all this."

"As long as you make sure that my friends and family are safe then we're good in regards to that situation specifically." I stated looking as serious as I could manage "They mean a lot to me."

I could see fear in her eyes in an instant, a foreign look quickly replacing it "I promise I will do whatever it takes to protect them."

"Thank you Parker." I replied reaching over and brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear

~The Next Day~

Parker had walked me back to my room last night but hadn't even so much as tried to kiss me before leaving. I had mixed emotions about it considering how badly I had wanted her to. The fact remained that it was best we take things slow for now though. I had slept pretty well but had woken up to my phone ringing rather early. I sighed and grabbed it looking down at the caller ID and saw mom.

I let out a low groan and then groggily sat up and answered the call "Hello?"

"Good morning Harp, sorry to bother you so early but I was starting to worry with not having heard from you in a few days. I texted your brother and he said he hadn't either and then we were both worried. It's not very nice to scare us like that young lady."

"I know mom I'm sorry this new job has just been a lot and honestly I didn't have a spare second or I would've." I half lied in a raspy voice

She let out a sigh "All that matters is that you're okay but I'm going to add your brother to the call because he's been worried sick."

"Mom it's too early..." I started to say before being cut off

"Hello." Colton groggily mumbled from the other line

I let out a defeated sigh as my mom chimed back in "Goodmorning Colton."

"Yes good morning brother." I grumpily mumbled

"Harp I was starting to worry you had died or something." He stated before a lot of static came over the line that sounded like him moving around "How've you been?"

"I'm doing good, just tired." I stated

He laughed slightly "Yeah me too."

"Okay I get it you two don't think I can't take a hint when my own children don't want to talk to me." My mom stated in a pitiful voice

"Mom, you know we both love you." I stated

Colton added in "And we love talking, just not at six thirty in the morning."

"Alright fine I'll let you two get back to sleeping till noon or whatever it is you kids do." She sighed "Love you both."

"Love you mom." We both said before everyone hung up and I tossed my phone beside me

I rolled over and cuddled back up into the blankets closing my eyes and letting myself relax back into a restful slumber.


(A/N) Please don't forget to like, comment, and follow! It really does help and I appreciate you all so much! ❤️

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