14: Call Out

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~4 Years Ago~

"Can you please stop over analyzing everything." Luna grumbled

I stoped pacing and glared over at her "I'm just trying to figure out why she stood me up."

"Sometimes things are better left unknown." She shrugged "It's been two weeks since you heard from her. I think it's time to let it go Harp."

"You don't get it." I stated crossing my arms over my chest and facing away from her

She got up and gently placed her hand on my shoulder "Harp I'm sorry, I know this has been hard for you but dwelling on it is only making it worse."

"I need to talk to her just once and then, and only then, I can let it go." I stated shrugging away her hand and then plopping down on the couch with arms still tightly crossed


"So are you enjoying your internship so far?" She questioned, leaning back against the wall of the pool

I shrugged "I'm not sure yet, still getting used to the unpredictable and oftentimes demanding nature of it."

"It's not that unpredictable or time demanding." She grumbled crossing her arms over her chest

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle "I'm literally here on a Sunday on one of the forbidden floors of the building, swimming with my boss."

"Point taken." she shrugged uncrossing her arms before turning and letting herself fall back into the water "Seriously though, how are you liking the marketing part?"

"I love it." I nodded watching as she gently moved her arms while in aback float

I could see a small smile form on her lips "I knew you would."

I smiled to myself and then went to the wall and grabbed it with one arm before pushing off and gliding underwater toward the other side of the pool. I took in a deep breathe, more like gasped for air, as I resurfaced which must have scared Ms. West judging by the way she flailed and turned her back float into some sort of wet cat maneuver.

I laughed hysterically and she glared as she regained her composure "What the hell was that?"

"I literally was just breathing, I should be asking you that question." I stated while continuing to laugh

She rolled her eyes "It's a lot more peaceful swimming by myself."

"Yeah but also a lot less fun."

"Peace is fun."

"I guess I won't be having any fun for the length of this internship then considering I haven't had a moment of peace since I met you." I shrugged as I relaxed on the steps of the pool

"Don't act like it's not fun to work for me."

"Touche." I stated causing her to roll her eyes once more

"I don't work for you."

"You know exactly what I meant don't pretend to be so literal."

~A Few Hours Later~

"Oh my god this is delicious!" I exclaimed before taking another juicy bite of steak

She laughed from the stool beside me "I'm glad you're enjoying it."

"Thank you Charles!" I smiled to the man on the other side of the counter

He was tall, dark, and handsome. His beard was clean trimmed, his skin lightly tanned, and his dark green eyes like emerald.

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