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   I push the incoming leaves and branches as I force my legs to speed up

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I push the incoming leaves and branches as I force my legs to speed up. My mind thinks back to Nathan hoping he's safe wherever he is. Fear runs through my mind thinking about all of the possible outcomes to this decision. Hopefully the one I made is the right one and doesn't get me killed.

I slide myself down the ditch quickly and hide behind a huge rock praying the rogue doesn't find me. My heart beats a million miles per hour when I hear more foot steps at the top of the ditch. They sniff around a bit before catching a scent and take off in a random direction. I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding and close my eyes.

This is the closest the rogues have come to finding me all these months and I wonder how I slipped up. I rest behind the rock for an hour or so until I feel like the coast is clear. The sun doesn't help either as it shines in the sky hitting my skin and drying my lips.

I then look up from the rock hiding me before slowly standing back up. Searching my surroundings, I cautiously walk farther down the ditch. Nathan probably thinks I stood him up by not meeting him by the river.

It was a stupid idea to separate.

Speaking of water, my stomach starts to growl considering I didn't get a chance to eat this morning. I keep my eyes open for berry bushes but I find more orange and yellow berries than dark coloones which worries me. At this point, I'm just walking where my stomach leads me. 

After cluelessly walking for a few mins, I run into some pecan trees. I'm not a big fan of nuts but desperate times and all. The tree isn't too far from the ground and fortunately I happen to be a good climber thanks to Mya's old tree house. I take the first step before I hear a twig snap a close distance away. I think nothing of it at first but damn did their smell catch my attention.

If I go on like this without food, I sure as hell won't make it far.

Frustratingly stepping back down to the ground, I make contact with a pair of green eyes behind some tall bushes. I take a few steps backwards as the grey skinny wolf step out of the bushes. I turn my neck to another set of steps coming from behind me and out comes another rogue, growing hungrily like the other.

"I'm hungry too but let's all calm down." I hold my hands out on either side of me and plaster a terrified smile on my face.

They respond with an aggressive low growl ignoring me. One of them leap towards me and I swiftly pull out a strong wooden shank I made back when I hid behind the huge rock. It digs into the rogue's stomach and it howls in agony. I don't stop there and continue gashing it's insides deeply over and over again as blood runs down my arm. The wolf goes silent and I drop its heavy lifeless body to the ground along with the weapon that's still jammed in.

I use this time to push past the trees that proceeds deeper into the forest. I can feel the rogue on my tail and I try to lose him by taking a brisk right turn. I lookback for a second and the rogue is nowhere to be seen. It would be stupid of me to stop thinking I lost it but I know better.

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