Chapter 28

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Wearing black long sleeves and a pair of black jeans with a pair of black combat boots. Stepping inside, there was a soft jingle as my entrance disturbed the bell on the café door. The smell of coffee instantly hit my nose, calming my body.

"I hope I won't encounter a patient today." I mumbled, remembering the past events that happened when I entered a coffee shop. Standing behind a man, "One Americano." He said, "No problem, sir. Small, medium, or large?" The cashier – Lisa asked, "Large." He answered, "Okay, that'll be 28." Lisa said, "Hmm." The man hummed, noticing him patting himself, seemingly looking for something.

"Good morning, Vi." Lisa greeted, noticing me, giving her a smile, "Good morning." I replied, raising my eyebrow, as I discreetly read his mind.

Shit, I forgot my wallet.

"Damn." He mumbled, "Sorry." He said, looking at me, "You go first." He added, nodding my head, "Thank you." I said, smiling at him, "One latte, please." I said as I glanced at the man beside me, he was still patting himself, looking for his wallet.

"Lisa, I'll pay for him as well." I said, giving her enough coinage for his order, "Sure." Lisa replied and gave me a knowing smile and look, shaking my head and chuckling at her antics. "Thanks." The man said, "Relax, it happens to everyone. Enjoy your coffee." I replied.

"Thanks." He muttered as I chuckled and went to the nearby table, "I'm really sorry, this isn't like me." He added, sitting on the other table just beside mine, "Don't stress it, dude. It's okay." I answered. Sitting inside the coffee shop as I wait for someone to arrive. Minutes later my order arrived, personally delivered to me by Lisa.

"He's hot." Lisa whispered, "Then you go get him." I replied, smirking at her seeing her blush, Lisa immediately left and went back to her work. Shaking my head as I took a sip of my latte, exhaling a sigh, feeling someone openly stare at me.

God, she's beautiful.

I almost spit my drink, his thoughts were so loud. I can practically hear him without reading his thoughts. Hearing the bell on the café door jingle, I looked up, a woman entered. As she roamed her eyes around, I waited for her to see me – what can I say her reactions are cute.

As her eyes finally found me, her whole face brightened up, eyes almost disappeared forming a crescent-moon like shape, perfectly trimmed eyebrows, long natural eyelashes, pink lips stretched into a smile, and small dents on both of her cheeks.

Chuckling and shaking my head as I noticed a couple fighting, where the girl openly gawks at her. Heading towards me her natural black curly hair bouncing every time she took a step, her silk blouse tucked in a pair of black cropped trousers. Complementing her fair skin and accentuating her hourglass body. And completing her look with a pair of black pumps.

Sitting across from me, hearing her excited giggle. "Hello, my friend. I missed you." She greeted, "Everyone misses my gorgeous face." I countered, rolling her eyes playfully and a chuckle erupted from her. "Yeah, yeah. You're beautiful." She mumbled and clicked her tongue in disapproval.

"I missed you too, Sylina Astrid Rosa." I teased, clicking her tongue in disapproval, "I told you to call me Riri. My name is so mouthful to utter." She replied, grabbing my cup and sip some of my coffee. Wincing as the coffee touched her tastebuds, laughing at her reaction – she was never a fan of coffee.

"I never knew you were the type of person to spit." I said, hearing a cough from the nearby table, chuckling at his reaction, "Well, I always swallow." She replied as we smiled at each other hearing another cough from the nearby table.

"Well, you should be careful swallowing it. You know, it's thick and comes out when you reach a certain level of ecstasy. It is also slightly alkaline meaning it has a pH level of around 7.2 to 7.4." I said, "Oh, that's why it tastes like rust, sweet and bitter." She seconded.

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