i like him?

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"AND I GOT A BLANK SPACE BABY, AND ILL WRITE YOUR NAME" We were  on the way home, and blasting taylor swift. Me and Ronnie were singing along, while Eli and Aaron were protesting, even though i knew they secretly loved this song. Who couldn't? It's literally Taylor Swift!

Finally, the car stopped and we all got out of the car. "let's go to my room, Demetri is coming over and Eli doesn't want us near his friends" I mocked.
"To you, my name is Hawk" he pointed at Ronnie and Aaron. what a weirdo..

Laughing, we ran up the stairs and flopped onto my bed. We sat together, scrolling through tik tok on my phone, and then i showed Ronnie some of my new books, while Aaron was playing with Rocko (my dog)
"Let's watch a movie." Ronnie said picking up the remote. Me an Aaron looked at eachother, and simultaneously screamed " SPIDER MAN NO WAY HOME!!" To which Ronnie covered her ears. Our all time favourite movie. Ronnie put it on, and i sat next to Aaron, sharing a blanket and resting my head on his shoulder. I've always felt safe with Aaron , and whenever i go near him , my stomach goes all fluttery. I always used to dismiss it, but now i can't help but wonder if it means something? I yet again ignored my thoughts and focused on the movie.

  Aarons Pov:
I am madly in love with Amara Moskowitz. Yeah i know, what a way to start off. I've been in love with her since we were ten. I get butterflies just being near her, and her smile makes me melt. Yeah i'm a simp. But she would never feel the same about me. i'm only her best friend. I shook away my thoughts and focused on the movie, hugging the beautiful girl next to me..

Back to Amara's Pov
It was halfway through the movie, and my phone started buzzing. I ignored it. *buzz* *buzz* *buzz*
i gave in and finally checked my phone

30 Notifications

sophia_gold and 10 others  liked your post
( instagram )
antLaRusso added you on snapchat
9 messages from "Eli 🙄🦅"

I clicked the snapchat notification, and added the person back, even though i didn't recognise the username.

hi! who is this?
uh I go to your school. This is me
*sent picture*
ugh its you, the one who called my outfit hideous. What do you want?
i don't know. better to have peoples socials. What's ur insta? Or tik tok?
uh weird but okay. My insta and tik tok are the same. amara_moskowitz.
i followed you. Follow me back
done. anyways, i gotta go, my friends are here, talk to you tomorrow ig?

weird... why was he talking to me? he's a bad person .I scrolled through his socials for a bit. Cant lie, he was kinda hot. Anyways, Aaron was yelling at me for being on my phone and not watching the movie, like he always does, even though the movie has like 5 mins left and i've watched it at least 100 times.Ronnie was crying bc of the ending, as usual. The movie finished and we were getting ready to sleep.

"hey amy, you gotta sleep now" Eli said, waking into my room with Demetri next to him.
"Yah alright 'dad', we're going. " i rolled my eyes and shoved him out my room. Aaron turned off the lights
and changed the LED lights to purple, my favourite. Ronnie was leaving since her mum HATES sleepovers, so she was packing her bag. When she left, me and Aaron got into my bed, and slowly started to fall asleep, my arms wrapped around him. I think i'm starting to like this boy...

is it love?  | anthony larusso |Where stories live. Discover now