fuck off

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me and Aaron were standing by my locker, i was lending him my book to read, he's been wanting to read it for ages. We were laughing about something till he stopped
"uh love, some kid over there is staring at you" he said.
I groaned, thinking it was anthony, but it wasn't.
i was getting sick of him, so i kissed aaron on the head and told him i'll be back in a second.

i walked over to kenny and when i got there, i grabbed his hand and led him to an empty classroom.
"what the fuck kenny. i told you to leave me alone and now you're following me? seriously?" i said
"listen amara, i just needed to talk to you"
"really? and say what? apologise for how you made my life shit? i'm good, i don't wanna listen to that shit"
"no amara please i am sorry" he grabbed my hand, and i immediately pulled it away
"don't touch me, leave me alone, i mean it this time.
i was heading for the door when he grabbed my wrist.
"please amara, i like you, a lot" and with that he tried to kiss me.
"get away from me" before i could slap him, a hand punched him in the face, and he fell to the ground

the fuck?
it was anthony. i just stood there in shock.
"you heard her Payne, fuck off" kenny ran out the room, leaving me and anthony alone in the classroom.
"um thank you, he really doesn't know when to give it a rest" i said
"it's okay. why was he bothering you anyways?" he asked
"well we used to date, till he spread shit about me,"
"you can do much better than him" he grabbed my hand, almost pulled away but for some reason i didn't. he came closer to me, and leaned in, getting closer to me, and i stepped towards him, leaning in aswell.

then we heard the door rattle
we stepped away from eachother quickly, and Ronnie came in
"omg am there you are! Kenny just walked out of here with a bloody nose, what happened? oh, you're here" she rolled her eyes when she noticed anthony next to me
"well uh, i'm gonna go" he left the room , and after a few minutes, so did me and Ronnie.

The whole rest of the day, i couldn't stop thinking about what happened with me and anthony . we almost fucking kissed. i think? whatever , i am so confused. i had obviously been spaced out, since it was lunch, and Aaron was calling for me
"am, amara, hello? jeez you're zoned out"
"yeah sorry i'm just thinking about our , french test" that was a complete lie.
"you'll do fine love" he said, and took a chip from my lunch tray

after school
i was flicking through netflix, trying to decide what to watch when..
*face time call from anthony*
tf? i picked up
"uh helloo?" i said
"heyy, before you asked, i'm home alone and bored so i decided to call someone"
"don't you have other friends" i questioned
"yeah but they are all busy and you are the only other interesting person i know"
"okay great, good to know"
"wanna come round to my house?" uh weird, did he just invite me over?
"um sure, why not. text me your address i'll take an uber there" i have no clue why i agreed but this is going to be interesting. I got a new outfit since i was in my pyjamas, and left my hair as it was.

20 mins later, here i was, standing in front of anthony's house

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20 mins later,
here i was, standing in front of anthony's house . i knocked on the door, and when it was opened, ur wasn't him, it was his blond curly headed friend.
oh my life
the minute he opened the door, he threw glue and glitter on me. i didn't know what to do, i just stood there, the glue dripping from my hair. i looked behind him to see anthony and the rest of his friends crying of laughter
"you are all assholes" i was on the verge of tears
"what did you call us?" zach said with an angry look on his face
"you.are all assholes" i repeated
"GET HER" he shouted to his friends
oh damn
i ran , luckily i was wayy faster then them, and lost them in a matter of minutes. I hid behind a bush for a bit, making sure they were gone.

then i cracked

i started sobbing uncontrollably, the glue and glitter all over me now. They had photos and videos of me, i was never gonna live this down. I dried my hands on my jeans then called Eli to pick me up, there was no way an uber driver would let me near their cars like this.

When he got here, he took one look at me, and
hugged me, completely ignoring the glue. On the way back home, he asked me what happened
"those assholes from earlier threw glitter and glue on me, they recorded it as well" i told him
"oh those dicks are gonna get what they deserve " he said , and passed me a tissue to wipe my face with

he was right, those jerks were gonna get what was coming to them.

authors note:
wowow, how rude of anthony.
tell me what you would like to see in the next chapter. thanks :) and enjoy!
byeee <3

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