happy birthday

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMARAA" 3 people were screaming in my ear. those people were no other than Ronnie, Aaron and Eli. fuck them, it was too early for this .

but, it was my birthday so i couldn't blame them. yes , that's right , i am finally 15!! i was yanked out of bed before i could properly open my eyes, and a birthday had was slammed onto my head.
"say cheese" Eli had a camera and took a picture of me. i smiled slightly, i was too tired for this. i showed them out of my room so i could get ready . today was my birthday so i had to look, birthday worthy. i did a fun makeup look today, and put on a colourful outfit, but i kept my hair the same. i was so excited for my birthday. i don't know why, this year just felt special.
outfit and makeup:

 outfit and makeup:

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when i went downstairs, everyone was already there waiting for me, and Ronnie was holding a chocolate cupcake with a candle in her hand, aaron had a birthday badge in his, and Eli was holding still holding the camera

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when i went downstairs, everyone was already there waiting for me, and Ronnie was holding a chocolate cupcake with a candle in her hand, aaron had a birthday badge in his, and Eli was holding still holding the camera.
"this is your breakfast, you'll get the real cake and presents after school" Ronnie handed me the cupcake.
"and you have to promise to wear this all day long" aaron pinned the badge to my shirt. Eli snapped a picture, and then we all took a group one on my phone, which i posted.

The car ride to school was soo fun, we blasted my favourite song, and ate tons of sweets. we received the weirdest looks when Eli parked the car. I gave him a hug and thanked him for this morning, then took aaron's hand and walked inside the building. the minute we got inside, we were met with whispers and shouts.
"oh shit LaRusso, you have the same birthday as that bitch you like" zach howled with laughter, before being elbowed in the ribs.
"shut up. ugh seriously? we share a birthday?" anthony sighed.
"please, as if i'm happy sharing a birthday with you asshole" i ignored his shouts and kissed aaron, then walked to my first class. sadly , it was English, which i just hate..

"okay class, today is a partner project, you may need to go around the school for todays task" the teacher said "your partner is who you are sitting next to" guess who was sitting next to me. yeah, anthony. fucking great. the teacher then explained the task
"guess i'm stuck with you. well we should go to the library, it's quiet and there's information there" he grabbed both our bags, and walked out the door before i could say anything. i just followed him

20 minutes later, and we had gathered some information for the project.
"happy birthday by the way" he murmured
"yeah happy birthday to you too LaRusso" i said back. 
" do i get a birthday kiss?" he said
"maybe. if you were hotter" that was a lie, he was already super hot.

after a few more minutes, we heard some weird noises behind a bookshelf, but ignored it. it kept getting louder, so we both went to check out what was making the sound.

holy shit. no. no. please no. shitt
aaron was behind the shelf, making out with some random bitch
"no fucking way" their heads turned to me, and aaron went paper white.
"amara! i-i can explain!" i slapped him hard across the face,
"you are a fucking asshole. on my birthday? seriously? what is actually wrong with you??" i ran to the bathrooms

my head was spinning and i felt like throwing up. it was too much. on my birthday? i was sobbing when someone knocked on my stall.
"aaron if that's you, fuck off" i said between tears
"it's not, it's uh ant" the voice said.
to this, i opened the door, and hugged him. why? i don't know. i needed the comfort. we stood like that for a while, until he took some tissues and handed them to me to wipe my tears.
"your mascaras all over your face" he said . i laughed
" i think that's the least of my worries" i said. and it definitely was.
"he was an idiot, i could tell from day 1" he said , hugging me again.
"yeah but i loved him, i honestly cannot believe he did that to me." i replied
"oh well. you'll get over him. how about that birthday kiss now?" he winked at me, and i kissed him on the cheek.
"there ,  now shush, you're very loud"

i cleaned myself up, then went to go find Ronnie, i needed to tell her . I had already called Tory to tell her what happened, and i swear she was ready to kill him. if i told Eli, that would be the end of Aaron..
i finally found her reading a book on a bench
"hey Ronnie, i reallyy need to talk to you" i sat next to her and rested my head on my shoulder
"yeah go on" she put her book down
"i caught aaron fully making out with some girl in the library" i was careful not to burst into tears again.
"he what?! oh that dick.. i'm gonna kill him" her eyes had fire in them.
"no need, Tory and Eli have that covered. I laughed at the thought of them beating him up.

Ronnie consoled me and i decided to leave school and say i was sick. i couldn't deal with it anymore . when i got home, i blocked aaron on everything, and deleted all our photos together, i was gonna get over him fast..

authors note:
hi hi . yeah so he cheated on her. and anthony consoled her. how cute
anyways, enjoy the rest of the book!

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