damsel in distress

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two lipglosses sat on amara's desk, as she stood there deciding which to wear on her date with lucas.
she had to remind herself it wasn't a date, and laughed at herself. lucas didn't think it was a date, he knew she was with anthony.
amara grimaced at how anthony would react if she told him she was going to watch the moon with lucas. he didn't like him from the start... oh well, that was a problem for another time.
her phone started buzzing, as lucas's contact showed up on her screen. quickly, she grabbed the pink lipgloss and picked up her phone.
"heyy lucas"
"heyy! where are you? i'm leaving my house in 10 minutes" he said
"mhmm i'm just about ready. i'm getting my brother to drop me off in 10."
"alright! see ya then" lucas hung up the phone and amara went to Eli's room, and knocked on the door

"ELIO OPEN UP I NEED TO GO" she yelled through the door. after a few more minutes, he came out of the room, and amara burst out laughing
"what. is up. with your hair?? what happened to your Mohawk?" she said . it's not that his hair looked particularly bad, but she had just gotten used to him with his mohawk.
"i cant be bothered to style it anymore. and stop laughing it's not even funny." he rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys from the nightstand.

a few minutes of silence passed after they got into the car, until Eli broke it.
"i don't think this is the best idea" he said suddenly
amara turned to him confused "what do you mean?"
"you. going on a date with this lucas guy. it's not a good idea.." he said
"why not? and it's not even a date, we are just going to watch the moon. what is the big deal?" she replied, now annoyed
"the big deal is that you have a boyfriend who likes you a lot, and who is extremely jealous. i understand you and lucas are just friends, but you need to be careful. it might not end well" he stopped the car.
"we're here. i'll pick you up if you want. have fun and be safe" quickly, he ushered her out of the car and drove away.

"amara! you're here!!" lucas ran up to her and quickly gave her a side hug.
"hi of course i'm here!" she replied and hugged him back.
"i'm gonna go get us some drinks and food, the hill is up there. i put down a purple blanket. i'll be there in a minute." and he left.
amara walked up the hill and saw the blanket immediately. she put down her things and took her phone out to take some photos of the stars.
she heard footsteps, and lucas sat down next to her as he passed her a cola and a bucket of popcorn.
"i know this is cinema food but i quite like caramel popcorn" he laughed
"no i love caramel popcorn! thanks" she took one and popped it in her mouth, continuing to take photos of the stars. amara couldn't stop staring at this one particular star, lucas must've seen her staring, as he finally spoke
"that one is regulus. quite pretty isn't it? it's one of my favourites." he said, also admiring the star.

anthony's pov
"ronnie i'm not going to this thing" a thing groaned as ronnie tried to pull him from his seat.
"amara said she wants us to bond!! what's wrong with watching the moon go red? it's fun!" ronnie exclaimed
"okay fine, i'll go for amara. as long as we get burgers" he agreed
"omg you and your love for burgers. okay lets go or we are gonna miss it" ronnie rolled her eyes at his burger comment.

they eventually arrived at the spot , and they headed for the burger stand,
"hi sir. could we get 2 cheeseburgers and 2 colas? thank you." anthony handed the man the money, and handed ronnies food to her .
they were talking and laughing as they walked up the hill to where everyone was, until anthony stopped talking suddenly.
"anthony? what is it?" ronnie asked. her question was answered when she turned her head to where anthony was looking.
amara and lucas, sitting down together, throwing popcorn at eachother.
anthony's eyes were filled with jealousy and hurt? he was upset that amara was having fun with someone he didn't like at all..
he started walking towards them, and sat down next to amara.
"hi guys! what a coincidence that we are all here today to see a moon go red!" anthony said , surprising lucas and amara
"ant! what are you doing here? you hate this kind of stuff." amara asked, confused
"you wanted me and ronnie to bond, and she suggested we come here, so here we are. you don't mind if i sit here, right?" anthony sat between lucas and amara, making sure lucas didn't get too close.
"um sure.." lucas said uncomfortably, as anthony rolled his eyes at him.

a few hours later, after they had all watched the moon, they decided to go home.

as they were heading for the exit, some people blocked their view.

"amara amara, long time no see eh?" the voice sent shivers running down amaras spine.

"tory just fuck off yeah? take your pathetic little gang and leave me alone." amara spat, and gestured to the group of minions behind tori.

"the hell? we just wanted to say hi to our favourite moskowitz. what's wrong with that?" they all laughed at her, and amara saw kenny standing there, hiding behind robby.
"hi kenny! how does it feel having to hide behind a dick who cant even fight? must be kinda sad" amara mocked.
as a reply, robby stepped forward,
"don't talk to him like that. 'Hawk' isn't here to protect you, so i suggest you back off and leave." he said
"that's funny, especially since you assholes came up to me. and i don't need Eli to protect me, i can beat all your asses myself." she rolled her eyes and stared walking again.
"oh yeah? we'll see about that." tory smacked amara in the face, and she fell to the ground
she quickly lifted herself from the ground and punched tori in the face, knocking her down. she kicked her a few times, when robby tried to sweep her. she caught his leg then flipped him over, sending him to the ground as well. she jumped onto him and started punching him in the face, until kenny pulled her off.
"don't touch me!" she yelled, and kicked him in the stomach.
suddenly, tori got back up and punched amara. then again, and again, and again, till she drew blood.
at this sight, lucas got up and attacked tori, at the same time that tori did. amara slowly got up, trying to help them both.
tori got lucas hard, and he started bleeding.
full of rage, amara attacked tori fully, punching kicking and hitting her where ever she could. tori was now down on the floor, clutching her stomach.
amara ran towards lucas, and helped him up.
"fuck off , all of you. i'll beat your asses if i see you again." she spat and started walking towards the car park, where Eli had just parked.
"amara i got lucas, you relax" anthony grabbed lucas's arm, and wrapped it around his shoulders, walking towards the car.
"amara what the hell happened??" Eli ran towards them, and grabbed amara by the face, checking her injuries.
"those fucking cobras. but i got them, it's fine. just take us home, please"
they all got in the car, where ronnie started helping lucas with his injuries, and anthony was helping amara with hers.
he was wiping the blood from her cheek, then added a small plaster.
he kissed her on the cheek then rested her head on his shoulder.
"don't scare me like that again okay?" she nodded and he kissed her head.

authors note:
omg i finally updated. are u proud of me?
sorry for being so inactive, sxhool is killing me, but i hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
bye guys 😘

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