will you go to prom with me?

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amara was tired. all anyone could talk about these days were prom. who they were going with , what dress they were going to wear. she couldn't blame them. she was quite excited aswell. the only problem was, no one had asked her yet. this was weird especially since she had a boyfriend. she had tried hinting to him about it, but he acted as if nothing was happening. on this particular day, she had enough.

"ant listen. i know you know prom is coming up, and you haven't even TALKED to me about it. now, get your ass up and ask me to the prom before someone else does. like lucas maybe?" this, had gotten his attention.
"sorry WHAT? lucas asked you to the prom?? i'm gonna beat his ass i swear-" he started
"no you twat. BUT if you don't get up off your ass I will ask him." she snapped back
"amara you are actually so thick in the head. you've ruined everything" he groaned
"what? what have i done?" she replied, confused
"well, i was going to make a big show of asking you. with a sign and flowers and chocolate and confetti and everything. but your BIG MOUTH couldn't stop. so now that's all ruined" he explained
amara actually felt like a dumbass. all this time he was planning this super cute thing and she had ruined it.
she started nervously laughing .
"aha... right. well at least you know i wouldn't say no? sorry..." guiltily, she kissed him on the cheek and ran to her next lesson.

now that amara formally had a date to the prom, she could start picking out the details. she went dress shopping with ronnie, where she found a gorgeous blue gown. it was made of satin, and flowed down to her ankles. the dress had a corset with butterflies near the sleeves, which were spaghetti straps. ronnie found a black gown. also going down to her ankles , but with a V cut corset. they both checked out, then carried on walking around the mall. they stopped at a hair and makeup salon to make a booking on the day of prom. they then made their way to another shop to buy their heels. Ronnie got some gorgeous black heels to match her dress, and amara bought white heels. they were both extremely happy with their outfits, but of course didn't show their dates.

a girl in their chemistry class had asked ronnie out all extravagantly , and she said yes. from amara's suspicions , they had been secretly dating for a while, but she didn't want to tell anyone . it was their secret. anthony had also gone shopping for a new suit to wear, and he had even got a blue bow to match amaras dress. they were all ready for their prom!

time jump! day of the prom!
amara woke up that day basically bursting with excitement. anthony had arranged for a limo to drive and pick up the 4 of them. he was coming to her house in a few hours. she has her dress hung up from last night, and she was meeting ronnie in 30 mins for their hair and makeup appointment

they finally made it to their appointment. amara got an updo with a few blue flowers in her hair to match her dress, and her makeup was light blue eyeshadow with a light shimmer, and normal sort of natural look.
ronnie let her hair flow down her back, and she had gotten a few blonde highlights aswell. as for her makeup, she got a gold shimmer for her eyeshadow, and a red tinted lipstick.they left the shop gushing, and went to amaras house to put on their dresses. the two almost screamed upon seeing eachother. ronnie looked breathtaking, her hair and makeup matched the dress and made her look like an angel. as for amara, she was gorgeous. her dress tied in beautifully with her makeup, and her hair only added to the glory. they both looked like angels , the most beautiful in the world !

not only did they think that, but when their dates came to pick them up, they could tell they almost fainted.
"amara. wow." ant breathed out
"wow? is that it?" she said jokingly
"no i'm sorry it's just it's all i can think of. you're just clouding my head."he said
amara had never felt true happiness until that moment. right then and there, she knew that she loved anthony. she knew that she was the one for him. she knew, that no matter what, he is hers and she is his.

and that's a mf wrap! done with this is love. what did you guys think?

also READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!READ
i was thinking of writing a second book soon. about them going off to university and continuing their love story. with some bumps of course.
SO tell me if you want me to!!

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