is this a date?

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amara spent the whole school day with lucas whenever she could, since lia would drag him away whenever she spotted them together, or anthony would get jealous and say things to make lucas leave.

it was lunchtime now, and both anthony and lia couldn't be seen anywhere.
"woah. this cafeteria is huge, where do i sit?" lucas asked
"oh you can sit with me and my friends! i'll introduce you to them!" amara said, and started walking towards her table, where ronnie and aaron were sitting.
"hey guys. this is lucas , my new friend who just moved here. lucas, this is ronnie, and aaron" they all smiled at each other, then sat down, lucas next to amara.
"so lucas, how is it here? in school, in town." aaron asked, while ronnie took a bite out of her burger.

"oh it's nice. i work at the bookstore, and thanks
to amara i haven't got lost around here." he said

" yeah amara is quite nice isnt she? do you have any siblings or friends here?" ronnie asked

"yeah i've got a sister, her name is lia" lucas replied
the minute he said her name, ronnie and aaron turned to look at amara. they knew how much lia hated amara, and were obviously confused as to why she was hanging out with lia's brother
"lia..? yeah she's nice" ronnie said , as the three shared a look.
"i'm gonna go get a drink, i'll be right back" lucas then left the table.
"okay first of all, out of all people you could've been friends with, you chose lia's brother?? second of all, there is no way anthony is okay with this. lucas is literally gorgeous." ronnie exclaimed
"well ant isn't the happiest but so what? he can't control who i am friends with. also you're already obsessed with a boy you met not even 2 seconds ago, so you can shush. and just because he's lias brother doesn't mean anything! she can't control my friends either!" amara exclaimed back
"hey guys. the lunch today is literal shit how can they serve this to kids?" anthony was walking over to the table and was now taking a seat next to amara where lucas was sitting before.
"hey ant. shut it the food isn't even that bad." amara said as she took a chip from his tray
"okayy in back- oh hi anthony. you're kinda sitting in my seat" lucas had returned with his drink.
"i didn't know you were sitting here sorry. you can sit next to ronnie or smth i guess, i want to sit next to my girlfriend." anthony felt the need to emphasise the girlfriend part
instead of arguing, lucas just sat down next to ronnie, across from amara.


lunch was.. an awkward affair to say the least. lucas would mainly talk to amara since they were the closest, but when anthony interrupted lucas and started talking to amara, he just moved on and spoke to ronnie instead.
the short times he got to talk to amara, he found out that she played the guitar, liked making music, was fluent in many languages, had an older brother called Eli (who preferred to be called hawk) and did karate, she was an expert at karate actually. lucas had always wanted to do karate actually, but was too scared and there weren't any dojos near where he lived. but now that he lives here, there are many to choose from.

when the bell rang, ronnie and aaron had french with anthony, whereas lucas and amara had a free period.
"this is why you guys should be better at french, you get less classes" amara and lucas mocked as they walked towards the library.

while they were in the library, they both took out some books that they had wanted to read, and took this as an opportunity to get to know each other more.
amara had discovered that lucas had always wanted to do karate, loved baking and cooking, somehow could speak russian, painted, made music, liked solving puzzles, loves astronomy and astrology, and had never broken a bone.
they found out how much they had in common, and they were both happy to find someone who they could relate to so much.

"yeah i love astronomy! i've always liked stargazing."
lucas said
"no way! me too" amara suddenly took his hand, and he felt his stomach tingle. she led him to the astronomy and space section, where she took out a book and handed it to him.
"read this! you will not regret it, it has a shit ton of info and fun facts. sorry that sounds kind of nerdy." she hid her face in her hands, laughing at herself.
"noo it's not. thanks for this, i'll take it out now" lucas said, smiling to himself.

"you know there's going to be a red moon next week? why don't we go see it? together?" he asked, but regretted the moment he did, hearing how stupid and out of his mind he sounded.

"yes i would love to! i've never seen one before! it'll be amazing! we can bring snacks and drinks and a picnic blanket." she added excitedly
"okay okay let's do it. just send me your address and i'll pick you up. it can be seen really clearly at the park." he said

"okay! it's a date"

authors note
hey everyone! sorry i haven't updated in so long! schools just decided to shit on me soo!! anyways enjoy this chapter 💞💞

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