a crush?!

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"AMARA, HELLOOO, OPEN UP" my headphones were in so I couldn't hear them screaming at me. Eli opened the door and threw my shoes at me
"HEY! what tf, what is your problem" i put my shoes on the floor
"we are going out , cmon , Ronnie is outside" he closed the door
i sighed then grabbed my shoes, bag, and headed for the door. i completely forgot i made plans with Ronnie, whoops..
Ronnie is quite a popular person, so she invited some other people from school.
"one guy told me he had a crush on you" she winked. she showed me his instagram, and omg was he hot.

despite me having multiple public outbursts at him, aaron is still following me around begging to talk. pathetic. i looked at myself through my phone camera, even though i wasn't wearing makeup, i still looked gooood.

she texted me the address of the place earlier and i looked at the website

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she texted me the address of the place earlier and i looked at the website. it was like a fun fair? but it had restaurants and shops. cool!

20 mins later, and we were there. Eli didn't wanna go so he just went home. we waved to him then made our way to the restaurant. There were some people i recognised, and some i didn't. Anthony was there, but luckily, his little gang wasn't.

There was a girl next to him who definitely had a crush on him. she was playing with his hair, and hugging his arm. my blood boiled at the sight of it. i don't know why, but it did.

Ronnie showed me my seat next to the guy who "had a crush on me" great, i mean, he was hot, so score for me. The minute i sat down and started talking to the guy, anthony started staring at me. i noticed that look in his eyes jealousy. this was perfect. i had a plan. i was gonna make him even more jealous. i spoke more to the guy, and found out his name was Dylan. cute. we exchanged numbers, snaps, and instagrams.

"what can i get you all" everyone else had ordered except for me and Dylan.
"i'll have the uh chicken alfredo please" i said, and dylan ordered the same. i started hugging his arm and whispering jokes in his ear, and he did the same to me. oh shoot, i didn't order a drink.
"oh i forgot to order a drink, i'm gonna go get one, be right back guys" i said, leaving the table. I heard someone else say the same and get up to leave, but i didn't see who it was until we got to the drink station.

"hi" they said coldly
"hello" i said back
"the fuck are you playing at? You don't even like dylan, he's annoying"  anthony was looking angrily at me. my plan was working
"no, i do like dylan. but you don't like lia, stop toying with her feelings" i grabbed a coke and turned to leave, when he grabbed my arm, and pulled me towards him.
"you don't like him. stop lying to yourself" he laughed
"yeah i do, stop getting involved in my business" i rolled my eyes "i like him more then i'll ever like you" i murmured that last part
"oh really?" he came closer to me, and our lips touched. he then leaned in completely, and kissed me.

oh shit

i kissed him back. i then pulled back and stepped back.
"it kinda seemed like you liked that" he left.


my stomach fluttered, and i already knew what that meant. and i didn't like it..

i had a crush on anthony LaRusso. damn me.

i came back to the table and sat next to dylan, flirting harder then ever. i couldn't have a crush on him, no way.
"amara, wanna go and get coffee sometime? how about tuesday?" he asked. i was about to say yes, when,
"sorry, she can't, she's not free on tuesday " tf? anthony? obviously i was free on tuesday but i couldn't be bothered to argue
"uh yeah sorry, how about another day?" i replied

we finished all the food, and now we were playing on the rides in the fun fair. i wanted to go on the rollercoaster, but dylan was afraid of heights .
"i'll go" anthony took my hand and led us to the rollercoaster, leaving a confused dylan behind.

we got on, and i couldn't do the seatbelt properly

"omg you suck at this, lemme do it." he grabbed my seatbelt and buckled it. my breath hitched at him being so close to me. he must've noticed because he moved closer to my face, and put a piece of hair behind my ears, he was staring.

"what?" i said
"nothing, ur kinda hot" he laughed and so did I
"you're kinda not too LaRusso" i replied. he rested his head on my shoulder, and when the ride started, he took it off.
"if you're scared, hold my hand" he winked at me but i just rolled my eyes. i wasn't gonna be scarred.
the ride went up and down, in a loop, and up again. even though i wasn't scared, i grabbed for his hand anyways. it was the best ride ever.

"i have an idea" he said. we were eating cotton candy after the ride
"what?" i said, biting into my cotton candy.
"lia and dylan are there waiting for us" he said
"we both want them to leave us alone right?" he said. i agreed, even though dylan was hot, he was kinda clingy and annoying
"okay then kiss me" he looked at me
"what??" i said back
"kiss me and they will leave us alone" he said
"okay" it was a terrible plan, but i went for it anyways. he put his hands on my face, and leaned forward, and i kissed him. again. it felt right, better then it did with kenny, or aaron, or dylan. this time it just felt right. i wrapped my hands around his neck and he placed his on my waist.
i heard the snap of a camera but ignored it.
i finally pulled away and so did he
"not bad Moskowitz" he winked then walked away,

authors note:
very very fun. anyways, how was the chapter? what should i do next?
enjoy the book!

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