bowling disaster

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"anthony! you made it. oh amara you're here too" Lia beckoned us to the table they got.
"yeah she's here. is that a problem?" anthony asked and sat me down next to him.
"of course not. i just didn't know she was coming.." she said
amara looked around the table to see if there was anyone she knew. there was.
and dylan.
she pulled a silly face and ronnie and started talking to her
"hey! i didn't know you were here" amara leaned over to her
"am . i told you over facetime? your memory is bad"
"oh did you tell me? whoops.. i must've forgot. sorry ron" she made an apologetic looking face and turned back to anthony. he was talking to his friends who were giving her strange looks. they must've not known about them.
"hey aaron. let's go get drinks. what do you guys want?" aaron and amara took everyone's drinks orders and went up to the counter.
after a few minutes, they were carrying a tray full of drinks and were passing them around.
"so anthony. you and amara? when did that happen" lia took a sip of her drink.

"well at the dance. since then we've been dating" anthony pulled amara closer to him by the waist.
"cute.." lia was obviously annoyed
dylan was staring at amara , and she turned to him in an attempt to make conversation
"hey dylan."she asked
"hey amara, when are we meeting by the way? i know this really nice coffee place." he said
"what? why are you guys meeting?" anthony looked at dylan
"uh we're doing a project together. we want to get it done so we meet in places." he replied simply
"mara can i talk to you? away from here?" anthony pulled her arm and they went to the seating area

"why are you hanging out with him? he's obviously interested in you" he scoffed
"it's a group project, there's other people. and its for school! so it's harmless. what is your problem??" she felt an argument coming on
"it makes me look bad if you're out with other boys. especially ones you basically dated." he felt the argument coming too
"it makes you look bad? wow.." she turned to walk away.
"no mara it's not like that" he grabbed her waist "i mean i don't like seeing you with other people. and definitely not him. you don't need to go out. do the project at school" he said. his jealousy was funny to amara.

"okay whatever . let's go back now, they'll be wondering where we went" they went back
"you're back! okay enough talking and eating. let's go bowling!" they got up from the table and walked
down to the bowling place.
there were 3 teams

anthony,amara,aaron and ronnie
Lia,kenny , dylan and some random people
and then anthony's friends.

they played for hours, until everyone got tired and decided to have some food before going home.

on their way to the table, amara tripped a few times and her vision went blank. it went on like this for a while
"amara are you okay?" he held her arm as she staggered with every step.
"i don't feel too good"



authors note:
hey guyss. 2 chapters in one day. wowie . anyways. what did you think?? what's gonan happen 🤫
later losers <3

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