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amara hated cobra kai.
they had ruined her life.
a bit dramatic, but hey, it's true. They caused her and Eli so much pain and now they were bringing her friends and boyfriends into this? they had gone too far.
but she wasn't going to waste her time and energy trying to fight them, she had more important things to focus on .
for example, she had some pretty big tests coming up. so, she buckled down and started studying.
her first test was chemistry, which she was decent at, so studied for an hour, then got bored and decided to scroll on insta.
while she was on instagram, she came across a picture anthony had posted, and laughed at the memories.

hours were spent on instagram, until she finally fell asleep.

the next day, lucas and amara were leaving class together till anthony joined them.
since the fight, lucas and anthony were now in good terms, they didn't see the point in disliking eachother when they both agreed on things.
amara and lucas had become good friends, and amara was glad she had someone new to talk to.
they met up with ronnie and aaron, who were sharing a snickers bar. amara quickly took a bite, ignoring the shouts from the angry friends.
"HEY! that's ours! we got you a kit kat anyways because we know how much you live to steal our food." aaron grabbed the chocolate from her.
"awh you guys know me so well!" she took the kit kat and snapped it in half, offering half to lucas.
"i'm good, i'm actually allergic to chocolate" he said .
"what?? how come we never knew this?" the 3 asked him
"you never asked" he replied calmly.

after school, aaron, anthony, ronnie lucas and  amara decided to go out to watch a movie.
"MINIONS ! PLEASE WE HAVE TO" aaron screamed at the rest of them.
amara agreed instantly, but it took the rest some convincing.
they had got their tickets and popcorn and were now settling down to find their seats.
"i'm gonna go to the toilet before the movie starts, no one eat my popcorn" amara gave the group a warning look, then headed off to the bathroom.

anthony watched her walk off, savouring her beauty.
lucas suddenly spoke up.
"ah crap, i forgot to get a drink, i'll be right back guys" they all nodded at him, and as he was leaving, anthony realised that there was a slushie by lucas' seat. suspicious
out of curiosity, anthony decided to follow lucas.

when he passed a door, he could hear some familiar voices.

"amara listen we need to talk"
"oh hey lucas! sure, i'm just washing my hands."
"well.. the thing is ."
amara looked at lucas expectantly
"i think i have feelings for you? it's scary because i'm your friend, but i just can't push this aside." he blurts out
amara looks taken aback.
"lucas, i'm with anthony. and i love him. i think it's better that we stay as friends."
anthony's heart did a happy dance, relieved to know that amara loves him.
"i understand that, really i do. but all i'm asking is that you kiss me . just once. i need to know if there is a spark or not . if there isn't , i'll back off. if there is, then i don't know what i'll do" lucas spluttered
anthony's happiness was now replaced with rage and  dislike towards lucas. he thought they were friends now, he trusted him not to make a move on amara.
but here he was, begging for a kiss he will never get.
or will he?
anthony didn't want to doubt amara, it was only seconds ago that she rejected him. but there is a voice, deep deep down, telling him that lucas is better for amara than he will ever be.
"lucas i-" and before amara could finish her sentence, anthony had walked in, grabbed her hand and led her out of the room.

"how much did you hear?" she asked him,
"all of it." he admitted
"anthony why would you eavesdrop? do you not trust me?" amara had sadness welling in her eyes
"of course i do love, it's him i don't trust. i saw him follow you and make a bullshit excuse, why wouldn't i be suspicious about that? and hey! i was right, he was in there, begging you to kiss him." he spat,
"well you will know , since you heard the whole thing, that i rejected him. i like lucas okay? he's my friend. but if i don't trust him near me, then i will establish that. not you. i'm not some damsel who needs saving from any threat coming her way. and lucas  is not a threat." she spat back.

"i understand that! but how do you think it makes me feel if you're out with someone who has feelings for you? who has tried to kiss you! it hurts, a lot!" now anthony was the one upset.
"i cant  take this anymore. let's just talk tomorrow."anthony sighed. he placed a light kiss on amara's head, to show that he wasn't mad at her. then he turned around and left the cinema.

authors note!
hey guys. sorry i'm so inactive . school and just everything else is killing me
hope you enjoy this chapter ! 💞💞

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