× Chapter Fifteen ×

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Camilo's POV
"Mi vida, there's a cloud!!"
–"Felix hon, I can't.."
–"Don't start raining or the room will get dirty, okay? Try not to."
–"Okay amor, I'll try."
Papi and mami.
Yes they're worried.
Camilo, you’re such an idiot. Look how you’re making 'em worried!
I slowly open my eyes, "..yeah mami don't make my room dirty.."
–"Camilo?" mami looks at me, worried. Of course she is.
–"How're you feeling?" papi asked, they're holding hands. He always tries to calm mami down.
–"I'm feeling.. Great." I tried to laugh, but ended up coughing. There’s a soaked cold cotton on my forehead, fever?
–"No you’re not. Now take rest. Do not try to talk hon." mami kinda scolded. All moms does that.
–"..okay mami."

Mirabel's POV
I peeked through the door. Nobody's inside except Cami. He's sleeping, no snores this time? Yes he's snoring, adorably. I quietly laughed, his snores are always adorable. Nor too loud, nor too light. And rhythmic. It's early morning and birds making their sounds outside the window. He's on his bed since last evening, a high fever. I dunno he opened his eyes yet or not. I knew he was not well, his face has clearly shown it. He didn't take care of himself even knowing he's sick. Such a stubborn guy. I quietly went inside his room.
Tia Pepa went to make hot soup for him and told me to be with him while she's gone. I sat down beside him on his bed. His face looks peaceful.
Right now, he needs a kiss on forehead. ASNDJLFOEXEV WHAT AM I THINKING. Or maybe he does? No Mirabel. No. Just No.
We kissed each other's cheek when we were little, right? So why not? I donno, just.. thinking of something like that makes my heart pound.. Mirabel you were little when you kissed cheek, now you’re not! COME ON MIRABEL YOU CAN DO IT! No you can not.

3rd Person POV
Mirabel slowly leans down. She gently kisses Camilo's forehead. Mirabel you did it.. His forehead was not warm, but her face is. She still cannot believe what she did. She looks at the wall clock, Tia Pepa should be coming now. She hurriedly stands up but before she could walk, she feels a hand grip into her's, "That.. kinda reminds me of when we were little."
Mirabel's face looks like a red tomato now. "Y-you were awake.. the whole time?" she says without looking back.
–"Maybe. Maybe not."

–"Did I drink wine before everything went black last night?"
–"Not really, you had a high fever." Camilo stop pretending you didn’t realize you had a fever!
–"And who carried me?"
–"Louisa of course. Who else?"
–"In fronta everyone?!"
–"Gosh.. Embarrassing."

Before I could say another word, I heard Tia Pepa and Mama talking outside the door. He let go off my hand. I quickly left the room and saw them, "Tia, Camilo's awake you can feed hot soup!"

3rd Person POV
Pepa is feeding Camilo, he is half-sitting in his bed. "Spoonful hot soup is good for fever!"
–"Mami I can eat by myself you don't have to—"
–"I don't wanna hear anything sweetheart." she pushed another spoon of soup inside his mouth. Gah, mother affection. The soup is sure delicious, Camilo thought. Pepa finished feeding her son and left, saying, "Take some more rest hon."
Camilo stared at the door for a while. Then he sighed and stood up from his bed. He's not a person who'd lay on the bed all day long. He opened his bed side desk drawer, and pulled out a binocular. His sister Dolores gave it as a gift in his 7th birthday, a loving gift he can never lose. He hopped on his bed again and sat near the window, "Hmm let's see."

End of extra chapter! Tysm to all those people who loves reading my story and adds it to their reading list! Ilysm my lovely readers hope y'all enjoyed it!!🧁🖤

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