Goodbye Readers!♡

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I know some of you might be very angry, freaking author takes so long to update.
I'm very sorry which I really am. I became a person who "doesn’t get a moment to be online".
Coz life was hard. Complicated. I had complicated days. Busy with studies, ninth grade is hard, bad device to write stories on. Try to understand, LIFE WAS HARD.
You know there's countries where it is incest to be in a relationship or marry cousins. So I had to struggle a lot muting, replying and deleting the hate comments. But did you know that was actually kinda fun? Replying the PERFECT REPLY for the hate's, and then muting them. Sort of like a revenge :3
I've made a few loyal friends from Wattpad, who were my lovely readers of my story, had the courage to DM me. The supporters replying against the hate comments on my story, I'm very thankful to them for the support they gave me. I'm so glad I had friends like them :').
Some of you might be thinking how this author looks, well if you really wanna know be close friends with me cuz I don’t really show my face everywhere xDD
Also, gonna miss you all and your lovely comments. I really appreciate the love and support y'all gave me. Remember this author will keep you in heart❤️

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