× Chapter Twenty Two ×

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Camilo's POV
I jumped on my bed and rolled on it with my pillow for a while. IS IT FOR REAL?! MIRABEL CONFESSED TO ME THAT'S.. THAT'S INSANEEE! I buried my face on the pillow. Her customised cover of letter, blue and white clouds drawn on it, I smell the letter, like I can smell her on the letter. What am I saying let's just read it anyway..


Dear Cami,
I didn’t really have THAT kind of feelings for you from the beginning. It's just recently you’ve became really handsome.. JUST KIDDING!
You're my bestest buddy from childhood. My best friend, the one who annoys me, the one who comforts me on hard times, the one who always makes me laugh when I'm sad, the one who understands me. I can't say you’re my everything because I have my family, and I have you, a part of Amazing Madrigals. I remember that day when I was supposed to get my gift but didn’t get it, I was crying in my room and you gave me an ADORABLE hug, and a sweet chocolate. That was the best thing happened that day. That is why I know you understand and can feel my feelings from the beginning.
Aaaaanyways, I was seriously shocked when you brought out the letter. My brain became empty you know. I still can't believe you’d have the same kinds of feelings for me, I thought you'd reject me in my face.
Do you know I had ADORABLE dreams about you? You were my choco cookie from when we were little, and I think I fell in love with you the day you hugged me after a long while, Antonio's gift ceremony. It was seriously very warm, and comforting, and sweet, and loving. I can't help smiling when I think about that hug, you DID increase my heartbeat, made it rapidly beat. So, Are we a.. THING now? I'd like to know the answer from your mouth... I'll be waiting.

From your Mira♡

Gosh is this really reality..

Mirabel's POV
I sat still on my bedroom carpet beside bed. Holy Shit. I'm excited to open the letter. Is it really a love letter or he was kidding? A part of me is still screaming, "NO WAY MIRABEL THIS IS NOT REAL WAKE UP FROM YOUR DREAM!!"
I looked at the letter again. Yellow letter, with glittery gold colour design shining on it. So pretty. I smelled it, ah smell of Camilooo, my Cami smells so good. Should I open it? Yes I should.


My Mira,

A clear sky with white clouds
In my dream, I'm holding your hands
You're smiling, wind blowing your hair
I can smell you on the fresh air

I like your personality, character, behaviour with others
I like the way You're perfectly spreading your love
Thats one of the reason you made me fall in love

You're my flower
You're my sunshine,
You're just perfect
Can you be mine?


Omg so beautiful poem, that he made for me? Gosh not me crying. Yes I should cry happy tears.

Time skip to morning
I woke up with my messy bed. It got messy because I rolled on it for I was extremely happy last night. I don't know what will be his reaction when we meet again today. I mean of course we'll see each other, would it be awkward?
We've got a lot of plans today, shopping, decorating, and the invited friends of Mariano and Dolores...
All because of.. today afternoon's a lovely afternoon. Afternoon of Dolores and Mariano's Engagement. I'M REAL EXCITED!

3rd Person POV
Camilo and Mirabel met when they were preparing for getting breakfast. But nothing awkward happened like Mirabel thought.
–"G'morning Mirabel!"
–"Good Morning Cami. How was sleep?"
–"Great! How about you?"
–"Me too.."
They smiled at each other.

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