× Chapter Twenty Four ×

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3rd Person POV
-"I seek everyone's attention please." Abuela said. Her face is very serious. Camilo and Mirabel are on the opposite of the table, Mirabel's leg shaking, Camilo has already wiped his sweaty face for the 20th time. They're very frightened, including Luisa, Dolored and Mariano. Camilo and Mirabel kissed each other, Isabella told all of it to Abuela Alma. "I did what I thought is right. This situation is serious and shouldn't be ignored." Isabella told this to Dolores when she asked her about what happened. Now everyone in the table is silent.
-"Firstly, both Mariano and Dolores are welcomed to the family as a engaged couple. I am very glad to hear about the engagement going well. You both should get married next week!" Abuela smiled, making the moment kinda light. Everyone sighted, except for Mirabel and Camilo.
-"Thank you, Abuela. I appreciate your support." Mariano said as he drank some water to clear his dry throat.
-"You're most welcome, Mariano. And now, I hope our Madrigal childrens enjoyed the engagement party as well. The trip must've been fun."
Agustin, Julieta, Felix are having kinda nervous face while Pepa is having a cloud on top of her head, even though they're smiling. Mirabel is pretty sure that they heard about THAT THING too. Antonio is not with his animals surronding him, Luisa's eyes twitching, Dolores is with her ears open to hear what Abuela will say next, and Isabella has a frown on her face. She might be changed but she still has emotions you know.
-"Finally about Mirabel and Camilo.." Abuela said before her face went serious again. The cloud on top of Pepa's head went darker, and cold wind was blowing now. "I heard what Isabella said. You all might know what Isabella said as well. Mirabel-"
-"Mama don't say it's Mirabel's fault again. I tried telling this to you but you were busy having a discussion with Isabella. But, TRY to understand, Mirabel and Camilo were always close to each other and it's normal to have feelings when you're a teenager. So what they did, is not their fault. You also fell in love with Papa before marriage didn't you! Try to take it lightly. And WHO said the cousin Madrigal's can't get married with each other? It's LEGAL in Colombia and if you don't try to understand my words I'm leaving NOW!" Bruno finally opened his mouth, he was with his hand on his forehead looking down the whole time before he spoke up, clearly depressed.
-"Son Bruno, calm down. You didn't let me finish what I was saying, Mirabel doesn't have any gift and Camilo has, so there's possibility of the Miracle Candle to get weak again if Mirabel's childrens doesn't get a gift. We need more childrens, kids of our grandchilds, sorry to those in the table who aren't an adult yet but it has sort of became an adult discussion. According to my decision about Camilo and Mirabel having feelings for each other.." Abuela stopped, everyone on the table has their ears open, pin drop silence. "..They should get married in the future." Abuela smiled wide after finishing.
Everyone was surprised, some were cheering, but Camilo and Mirabel were happiest. Pepa was wiping her happy tears, Felix holding her shoulder. Agustin and Julieta side hugging each other. Bruno got up with his fists in the air in excitement. Isabella sighed, but was smiling as well.

7 years later
A lot of people has gathered in front of Casita, the Madrigal house. White banners, white curtains, white chairs and tables, everything's decorated in white. Camilo's wearing the groom's dress. Yes, today's their wedding.
Everyone stopped talking and looked back, the bride has arrived. With a huge beautiful white dress, Mirabel has arrived. Camilo was shocked, once again, he felt like he fell in love one more time. He stood with his eyes wide.
-"Let's go, my little princess." Agustin said softly, smiling, tears brimming in his eyes. Mirabel warm smiled at him, emotional as well. She can see her mother on the front row wiping her tears.
They walked slowly, everyone looking at them. Marriage melody is on the air. Agustin stopped in front of Camilo and let go Mirabel's arm, he waved and went to sat beside Julieta.
-"Do you wish to take Mirabel Madrigal as your soulmate?"
-"Yes I do." Camilo replied, still not looking anywhere but Mirabel.
-"Do you wish to take Camilo Madrigal as your soulmate?"
-"I do." Mirabel said smiling.
-"You may now kiss."
They kissed, everyone cheered and clapped.

And they lived happily ever after.

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