chapter 3: LA

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"BEEEEEEEEPPPPP BEEEEEEEEEPPPPP!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP OH MY FUCKING GOD" I said throwing my phone onto the ground. "shit we are going to LA." I jumped out of bed grabbing my phone. I woke up at 4:30 so I had enough time for a quick shower before we left. I hoped in the shower and washed my body before getting out to do my hair and normal makeup. "morning honey," dad said walking into my room whilst I was doing my makeup. "morning dad." "the taxi will be here to pick us up in 20 mins. we can get breakfast on the plane." He walked out to get ready and I finished doing my makeup. I walked over to my desk which I had laid out my clothes the night before. I had chose a comfy pair of grey trackies, a black crop top and a comfy hoodie so I wouldn't be uncomfortable on the plane. "Taxi's here!" I grabbed my suitcase and carry on bag which had my laptop, chargers, AirPods and phone. I ran downstairs meeting my dad at the door. We walked outside putting our bags in the boot and hopping into the taxi. We lived around 30 mins away from the airport and it was 5:00 and our flight was at 6. 

After half an hour we finally arrived at the airport, thanking the taxi driver and grabbing our bags. We checked in and ran through the bag check and shit before finally making our way to the plane just in time. The flight is 5 hours long which I planned on spending fully memorising the script for auditions. We sat down in our seats, me obviously at the window like always. "The plane will be taking off now" the captain said over the speaker. No one would be awake yet but I still texted the cast group chat telling them I was taking off now and would arrive in LA at about 10am. I looked over to see my dad smiling at his phone. "what are you smiling at?" "oh nothing," he said hiding his phone so I couldn't see it. Weird. The plane took off, the view was amazing. I decided I'd post a pic on instagram before we had to put our phones on airplane mode. 

I looked through the few comments I had as most people were asleep and I only just posted it

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I looked through the few comments I had as most people were asleep and I only just posted it. I would have never gotten this many likes so quickly like a month ago. Some people hated on me because I was 'stealing their man' aka javon, but we were just friends. "please put your devices on airplane mode," a women said over the speaker. I turned my laptop and phone on airplane mode and looked over at my dad who had somehow already fallen asleep. I got comfy and pulled out my laptop, opening the script. I had today and some of tomorrow to rehearse it but I knew once I got there most of my time would be spent hanging out with the cast. I spent an hour or two going over the script until I felt like I had fully memorised it. There was still a little bit of practice left though. I took a break to watch a movie. I turned on 'Basketball diaries' and started watching, slowly falling asleep. 

I woke up to my dad shaking me. "whaaaaatttt," I said in an annoyed and tired tone. "we are la-." "the plane will land in 5 minutes," the captain said on the speaker. "that's what I was trying to say." I squealed from excitement and gave my dad a hug. Soon the plane started to land, I put my laptop away and tried to contain my excitement. We still had a half an hour drive to the houses but I was still super excited. There is a girls house which is next door to the boys house, and just down the street is the parents house and euphoria set which I'd looked up and it was huge. "You can turn your devices off airplane mode but sit tight for 10 minutes." ugh I couldn't wait 10 whole mins to get off the plane. I took my phone off airplane mode and it started to fill up with notifications from my instagram post and the group chat. All of them saying for me to have a safe flight and that they couldn't wait to see me which just made me even more excited. After 10 mins my dad and I finally got off the plane and made our way to pick up our bags. "There's a car waiting outside for us," my dad said with a huge smile on his face. "Why are you so smily," I laughed. We grabbed our bags and went outside to see a big black fancy car with a man beside it holding up my name. We walked up and he opened up the door for me. "WHAT THE FUCK!" 


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