chapter 5: audition day

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I woke up to someone talking to me on the phone, "y/n wake up." It was Javon, he had a morning voice and when I tell you it was hot. omg. "morning J." "morning ma, get ready. I'll pick you up in an hour." "okay byeeee." I hung up the call and walked downstairs to tell everyone my plans. "good morning beautiful," Alexa smiled at me. "morning guys. I'm going out for breakfast with javon so I'll see you guys at auditions." "aww cute. okay have fun gorgeous." I went back upstairs and had a shower. As the warm water from the shower ran down my body I started to over think about auditions. I am so scared. What if I'm really bad and Emily's really good? They are all coming to watch. I'm going to embarrass myself. After my shower I got changed into the Brandy Melville outfit I bought shopping with my dad and did some normal light makeup. 

Javon 🤍

-yo, I'm outside 

-okay coming 

I smiled at my phone and ran downstairs saying goodbye to the girls. "love you byeeee!" "we love you to y/n," zendaya said. "have fun!" I went outside and met Javon in his car. "I didn't know you had a car." "ahaha only recently." *pretend he can drive without anyone else* We drove off listening to music until we pulled up outside a cafe. "aww this is so cute," I said as javon opened the car door for me. We sat down at a table and a waitress came over. "omg javon hi!" she said giving me a weird look. "hello," he replied. "what can I get you?" "I'll have the eggs and bacon please." "and you?" she glared at me. "same for me please." she started writing on a piece of paper and handed it to javon winking at him and rolling her eyes at me before walking away. "what's that?" "her snapchat," he started laughing. For some reason I was jealous. I felt so weird. Was I actually catching feelings for javon? "does that happen a lot?" I asked. "yeah kind of." Whilst waiting for our food we were just talking about random shit. "yum this looks so good," he said taking a photo. 

*pretend that's you*

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*pretend that's you*

Javon and I had had finished eating and were now talking about what we thought was planned for season 2. "Fuck it's 11 and auditions are at 11:30!" I said standing up. "okay I'll go pay and meet you in the car. we will make it." "your not paying javon." "yes I am and you can't stop me," he smiled. "fine but I'm paying next time," I rolled my eyes and walked to the car. He was so cute paying for us. He walked out to the car and starting driving to the euphoria set were the auditions were being held. I'd never been to the set before so I was super excited. "that chick tried to kiss me," he said rolling his eyes. "did you kiss her?" "no of course not, she only liked me because of euphoria." fuck, that was a relief. WHAT, why am I relieved? he can kiss who he wants. 

We pulled up to the set and fuck it was huge. bigger than the pictures. "fuck it's huge." "I know, it's so cool. I'll show you around after your audition which you have one minute to get to." We quickly hopped out of the car, running to the audition hall. It was a big meeting hall with an area and then a glass screen with chairs behind which had the cast and our parents sitting in them. "Where have you been!" Alexa said giving me a hug. "yeh we thought you guys weren't coming," Angus said. "breakfast, sorry I'm late." "nope you're just on time," sam said giving me a hug and telling me to stand with Emily. "good luck y/n," javon smiled. "yeah good luck!" the cast said. 

I went over and stood next to Emily who scoffed and rolled her eyes when I came over. "good luck," I smiled hoping she would be nice for once. "your the one who needs it," she scoffed. "ok guys, we will start with Emily as character 1 and y/n as character 2 and then swap. start when your ready." I had the first line. I took a deep breath and tried to forgot about the fact that people were watching. 'picture yourself alone' I thought to myself. 

"hey jess!" I acted walking up to Emily smiling. "what's wrong?" We kept going through the script. I was remembering everything and thought I did quite well but Emily was good. really good. "good job guys! take a 2 min break to grab a drink and come back for the 2nd part." I looked over to see the cast smiling at me and javon gave me a thumbs up. My dad looked really proud which made me really happy. Me and Emily walked outside to the drink taps and had some water. "good job Emily, you're really good." "wish I could say the same about you," she rolled her eyes going back inside. What a bitch. I was literally being nice. I followed her back inside and got ready to the 2nd part. 

"oh your fucking done," I yelled finishing off the 2nd act. Everyone started clapping and I took a fake cheesy bow laughing. I went to give Emily a hug to congratulate her but she walked away and started talking to her mum. I let out a small giggle and went to go talk to the cast. "great job guys. you are both so amazing and talented. better than we expected. Go explore the set and have some lunch and meet us back here at 2," sam said. We all went outside. "y/n that was so good! you definitely have that." Alexa smiled. They all pulled me in for a group hug and left to go grab something to eat leaving me, javon and our dad's. "honey, I can't tell you how proud I am of you! no matter the outcome you did amazing and I'm so proud of my little girl," he said pulling me in for a hug. "thanks dad I love you." "great job y/n your amazing," DJ said also giving me a hug. "we'll let you guys hang out for a bit, I'm so proud," my dad said walking away with DJ. 

I looked back at Javon who had a huge smile of his face. He pulled me in for a tight hug, holding my waist with his hands giving me butterflies. "y/n. I can't tell you how good that was. if you don't get the part I will be so fucking confused." He pulled out of the hug still smiling. "thanks javon. She was really good though so I don't know." "don't stress. you were better. come I'll give you a tour of set." He took my hand and started showing me around. "it's still in the making but this is ash and fez's house." "fuck, it's so cool to see in real life." He showed me everything. The school, rue's house, Lexi and Cassies house, Maddy's room and finally the store. "so this is the famous store?" I smirked. "yes it is, this is where most of our scenes will be filmed I'm assuming." "that's if I get the part." "stop! you will trust me." He took me to the fridge and opened it showing me where his little hang out space is. "So here's my little man cave," he laughed. "omg it's so sick." He showed me a few props before we met the cast and our parents at the lunch area and all talked and ate until 2. 

We were all now back in the audition hall and I was so fucking scared. I would be really upset if I didn't get the role but I needed to try my hardest to be a good sport. "I know you guys are probably really nervous but before we announce who has the part I just want to say you both did an amazing job and know you both have great acting careers ahead of you." Emily mumbled under her breath, "lol don't think she does." I rolled my eyes and looked back over at Sam. FUCK. I was so scared. 

"so, the actor of ashtray's love interest is..." 

Actors in love- Javon WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now