chapter 22: my boyfriend

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"ma. ma! we have school," javon said shaking me awake. My head was rested on his chest comfortably. I woke up and he smiled, giving me a small kiss whilst my head was still rested on his chest. We got up to start getting ready for school and then go eat breakfast with javon's family. After breakfast we all got into Jayla's car and started driving to school. Javon and I had English first and then history. When we arrived at school, Jayla and Jaden went inside but javon and I stood outside for a bit to talk. 

"Today could be really hard for us," javon sighed. We were sitting behind Jayla's car in hopes that no one would see us yet. "yeah I know, people kind of know who I am now and like with us dating," I said, holding his hands. "just push through it together," he smiled, kissing my cheek. I smiled back and stood up from behind the car, him following behind. We walked into school, side by side with our hands gripped together. As we walked down the hall people would turn their heads to look. Some people were even taking photo's but I tried to not let it get to me. 

When we got to our lockers, we got our books out but was soon stopped by Britney and her friends (which followed her around everywhere). She walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder which made me turn around. She had a fake smile plastered on her face. "Hey y/n." "hi," I glared. "can I talk to you for a sec. you wouldn't mind would you wanna?" she said giving him a flirty look. "um well we gotta get to class-," he said before being cut off by Britney, "thanks." she smiled pulling me into the empty classroom next to the lockers with her friends following behind. "I don't know who you think you are. You can't walk into the school one day and think you own the place. And not to mention get with javon, you know he likes me right. he just feels bad for you." Britney said getting close to me. "yeah like javon's birtney's," one of her friends said from behind her. "last time javon mentioned your name, he was saying how annoying you are," I scoffed. "do you know who you're talking to?" Britney said getting awfully close to me. "yeah. a stuck up bitch," I said rolling my eyes and walking out of the classroom to meet javon. 

"what was that about?" javon asked concerned. "typical Britney bullshit. its fine," I said kind of giggling. He smiled and we walked to English together. Most of the class was boring, the teacher was being moody today so javon and I didn't really get to talk which made the class go super long. Besides that, half the class spent the period staring at javon and I, like give us a break for fucks sake. After English, javon and I decided to skip history and hang out at the roof top. I don't know why but I was really tired and somehow fell asleep on javon's shoulder. 

*javon's pov* 

I decided to let y/n sleep as she was obviously really tired. It was now snack and she was still fast asleep so I let her sleep more so that we could skip the next period as well. 

It was half way through period 3 and y/n started to wake up. "good morning sleepy," I giggled and she lifted her head off my shoulder and rubbed her eyes. "how long have I been asleep for?" "nearly 2 hours," I laughed. "oh shit sorry," she giggled. "it's okay." 

*y/n's pov*

I opened my phone and scrolled through instagram a bit. "hey ma." "yeah j?" "you know how I have that huge boxing match tmr?" "yeah of course." "I was wondering if you wanted to come?" he smiled. "omg yes of course I will come," I smiled back. 

The rest of the day we went to classes, I had a few with Jaden and some with javon where we were actually allowed to talk. Every class got funnier and funnier. After school, jayla took me home and I finished homework. Javon went to sleep quite early in preperation for his boxing match tomorrow which I could tell he was quite tense about. DJ had asked if I'd be able to skip school tmr, with javon and come over to their house to help him relax a bit which ofc I said yes too. 

Actors in love- Javon WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now