Chapter 27 Faint Memory

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"Okay i understand You are so angry and pissed of" he said

"Honestly leave iam feeling sick seeing you face" i replied.

"What is wrong with me?"

"Don't u act like nothing happened.You're damn fucking face i fucking want to kiss it roughly "

"I- oh" he went silent.

Maybe he realised it was him?he sat quiet for a few sec.

"Who said i Don't feel what you feel" he asked being super hot serious.

"Do you?" i asked in a reply with a calm tone.


"Really?" a sudden excitement took over me.i bent down to him as he was sitting in Front of me."Really?"i asked again.he kinda smiled or maybe smirked? "of course" i held his face and pecked his lips which caught him off Guard."Did you feel that?"i asked being curious as a five year old kid would be about santa.he glanced at my lips before responding,"Maybe?"i got frustrated and......

"What happened next?!"I was sitting on my bed,hand on my forehead and hyper as fuck." what the heck did i do?!!!!" I tried to recall a thousand times what happened.i remember the starting but not the ending why tho?i remembered what happened when happened how happened but not how ended?maybe i was drooving off thus?

Did i kiss him again?Or did he kissed me again.or maybe i got frustrated and pushed him away said something mean and became unconscious?

That's what i said just before going to sleep but what happened before that?

A Faint Memory

I rolled on bed side to side.i felt a heavy pressure to remember what exactly happened that time.but Couldn't.

I thought about calling him or not.i even dialed his number just to erase it.i tried to remain calm.

In no time i got a call from Janice.i picked it immediately.


"Wow why so aggressive?"

"You might not believe what happened"

"What happened?"

"We slept together last night"

I sat quiet for a while she thought i hang up the call so she started calling me if i was there.

Sleep?there’s no way this might've happened right?

"Oh Congratulations mf"

"Why are you so off?what happened?"

"What do you mean what happened?"

"I saw Etham taking you home last night i bet something must've were drunk as fuck"

"Uh well..good point.i was drunk as fuck and i Don't remember anything"

"Uh what?"


"Imma give you a tip close your eyes and think it over and over.don’t be frustrated or anything just be calm maybe this will help you to remember"

"As you say iam gonna try it.if it doesn’t work i will give up.i have no intentions to know what happened anyway"

"Oh...then Don't forget to tell me the rest iam really curious about your 'enemy' things" she said dramatically.

"Ugh goodbye see you later ummm maybe never"

I hang up the call.i started doing what she told me to.

Maybe it will work

I closed my eyes repeated the same thing on an on and i see a faint memory.i tried about thousands time "maybe it ain't gonna work" i got frustrated and went to the living room to watch tv.i saw the glass which was still there.


"Maybe" i got frustrated and kissed him again.but this time not a small dolphin was a long steamy and passionate kiss.he held my neck to deepen the kiss even more.

Not him trying to control Himself to throw me at him.i pulled away from that steamy kiss which made him grin.he was satisfied with me stopping the kiss as if he wanted more.

I layed back on the croucher while he adjust himself not to pull me again.i was staring at him coldly more like was getting hard for him right?it should!

"Did you feel that?That's what you do to me Chris Ethan" i said while touching his handsomely shaped jawline.he touched my hand.but hearing Chris Ethan from me his eyes kinda shiver.

So now he knows that i know who is he?

"I hope it is true" he said..which i Didn't remembered properly before.i was wasted as fuck i threw some words and feel asleep.after that i found myself in the bed.


sitting on my croucher while something was going on the tv.but my attention was somewhere else.she Didn't call me also ignored my texts.

"If she knows iam Chris then she must know who is after her,right?but how did she?"

"No maybe she doesn’t if she knew she wouldn’t have been afraid."

"But what she meant by Everything is going to end soon,There's no time"

"She is fucking full of mystery"

I hear my phone rang i picked it up.

Michael Jackson

I playfully named him this.

"Hello Chris"

"Did you find mom?"

"Yes.and this is a shocking Where she is"

"What do you mean?"

"She is in the basement."


"The basement which burned down but still is alive"

"Oh No"

I got up took my coat and started running there.

"I tell you Chris Don't do anything.It's his trap"

I stopped

"He is preparing to fet two birds in one are a kid you Won't be able to do anything"

"Iam not just a kid!"

"Listen to me let me handle this.then iam sending her home u can meet her"

You fucked up brother.

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