Chapter 53 Anger?No, Jealousy

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"So any prograss?" I got slapped back to the reality when I heard Janice's voice. I looked at her only to find her smirking with amusement. "Progress with what?" I asked. I Knew what she meant and she knew I knew.

I have been staring at Ethan for a good whatsoever minutes I Don't recall. Ethan, Jake and Their neighbour are playing with their dogs. At first Ethan Didn't show any expression untill he started to get along. It has been long since I saw him this like this. It was only in high school and the memories were not fresh untill now that everything feels refreshed..

"You know what I mean" she said.

I sighed. I runned my thumb along across the cup I was holding. We came to visit Her Grandma, We are in the back garden of Janice's grandma. She was really fond of gardening and living with society. It is good. It gives good feelings and refreshes our mind, body, everything..

"You know He is busy all the time" I lied. It was a half lie. He was busy all the time. But after that incident he was giving me different attention. I hate that because it made my heart jump like crazy.

"Oh come one, look at him. What kind of busy he is?" she said..

"You know what? He is cold as Ice, shows no emotion, Acts like I'm something useless Piece of Garbage" I said with an eye roll. I heard her sighing.

"He is stressed. He thinks if he stay too close or shows any sympathy to you, you might get in trouble " She said.

"How do you know so much about him?" I asked Out of curious.. She seemed to know him better.

"He shares with Jake and you Jake is My sweetheart. We try to make you two be together" She said. Lately I felt like she has really grown up that ut feels like I was really immature and she was older than us.

"Speaking of Jake. Looks like he has become more handsome" I said.

"I feel jealous sometimes that so many girls run after him"

"He is the sweeetheart of everyone " I said with a laugh. She laughed along with me.

I looked over Jake. His brown hair looked more Bright and his eyes looked the ocean of honey. It was like a ray of sunshine. He looked masculine and of course he was tall which made him more handsome. I took a sip from my cup. "Hey quite staring at my handsome husband" Janice said.

"He is handsome.. Look at his T shirt it fits perfectly. His hair and eyes are more brighter now. The last time I saw him, he was a teenager but now he is all grown up. That makes a different. You see how he laughs? It can take away anyone's breath. He still looks athletic and charmful. He is the standard. The fact that he is a secret police makes him more handsome and sexy-"

"That handsome and sexy man has a Wife" I heard a deep voice which sent shiver down my spine.

I looked up and exactly those blue ocean caught me off gaurd.

Anger, No jealousy filled in those Blue eyes. His hair were flipped back and a strand was falling over making him seem like a fuck boy indeed. His Shirt was half wet. But his Scent never Left. It was still Nice..

"So?" I said. I had no idea what I said. He narrowed his eyes. A smirk was all I gave.

"Food is ready. Come and eat First" I heard Janice's mother calling.


I sat beside Jake and opposite of Ethan. Janice was beside me so typically I was in the middle of them. Janice made me sit like this. And I now knew what was her purpose because Ethan Didn't look happy with this.

"The food is good" He said. His reaction lasted a few minutes until I started to feel bothered when he Didn't look much bothered by it anymore.

"So Jake how do you feel being a father now?" I said with a teasy yet smily face.

He looked at me and smiled. He raised his eyebrows and said, "You wanna know?"


"How it feels to be a Dad or Daddy?"He looked at Janice who almost choked on the food.

"Maybe Both." I said with a smirk and raised an eyebrow.

"Well then I'm gonna be super honest with you" He looked at Janice again. She looked back at us and said, "what?" playing innocent..

He said in a low voice, "Having a baby biy is blessing you know the mother is hot."

"Yeah I know that shit"

He chuckles cutely and continued, "He makes me happiest, like I've won the bestest battle in the world. At first to be honest I wasn’t ready. I was scared I'd fail to be a good father but then seeing his face soothed away all my comcerns" He said while rubbing the side of the glass with his thumb. I could say he was nervous.

"You Are a great father. He is lucky to have you Both"

I smiled and he smiled back.

I lowered my head and whispered, "Tell me that, Is she good at bed?" He smirked and amusement filled inside me. "There's no way I'd let ut slide. I better know About her hmm." I said.

He came closer to my ear and said in a lower voice, "She's good at Calling my name. She is totally in whenever wherever It is"

"Because It's you.. How about now?"

"Yeah Now?"

"Worth a try. Having her whole family eating food while you get your food eaten as well. I will make sure her ehem Doesn't reach up here"

"What if does? What if it is too loud?"

"Yeah then you are successful as a husband who promised to make his wife happy"

He pulled away and I saw what I thought I'd see. "Challenge?" he said..

"Umm more like a Test" We looked over her. Now she looked pissed off..  Oh I knew that look. Jealousy..

"I'll get some wine" With that she left.

After a few minutes, Jake got up giving an excuse that he needed to use the washroom winking at me hideously before leaving the table. I looked around the table Until those blue eyes stopped me.

He is taking a sip of his drink but his eyes were staring the way Hunter keeps an eye at the prey.

I almost forgot about him. I was having fun about Janice. I was gigling while talking to Jake and it might've caught his attention. Well I ain't getting up from here. He would come after me. I ignored him and kept a smiling face with the others. Everytime I laughed at anyone's joke he kept staring at me for a while.

After a while, Jake and Janice came afterwards. First Janice came then Jake. She placed the wine at the table. I looked at her, her face was Rose red. I looked over Jake who had an amused smile on his lips. I needed to hear a long story..

Then we started to giggle again. He Didn't say what he did. But he was making some cute jokes about her clumsiness. He really loved her.. I could tell alot..

But I right now wanted to stay away from Ethan's gaze. He had been staring at Jake as if he wouldn’t hastate to grab the fork and shove it on his neck.

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