Chapter 30 Right behind me

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The door made a sound again.this time the reloading of the gun Didn't go unnotice by the two of them.

"If you Don't show up I'll show you my bullet" a familiar voice spoke.the man who was covering her mouth removed his hand and got out hearing the voice.

"I will be so damn lucky to get your bullet" he said.

"Ethan? What are you doing here?" That man asked.."i was checking out some files Mr.Rogers"no wonder the voice was familiar it was none other than Nina's father.

"Nah Mr.Rogers doesn't sound good.we are not at Uncle Michael Jackson you know" he laughed saying that.Ethan laughed along with him.

She looked down hearing her own father's voice after a very long close the two are and there she was alone yet lonely."okay then iam leaving remember to lock it on time"he said and left.

"Why tf you are here?And how did you even got the key?" Ethan asked after her father left."Why did you even cover up for me?"she replied back.she started walk out but he held her hand and made her stop.

She looked at him trying to held back her character.the person who it hard for her to move on suddenly showed up at her life again after 8 years.It's for my safety.iam fucking sick of hiding for my safety all the time.i was seventeen at the time now iam Twenty five.Enough old yet?she thought.

"bcz you were reading my brother's background"..even after all the records he is still your brother?? Even tho she wanted to speak in her mind Didn't realise she spelled that out loud

"he is my brother by blood relation only"

Fuck i said that loud.she thought at Her self.

"So?there's so much i Don't know anyway.i deserve to know too"she said.he didn't give her any reaction.he was standing at the same expression untill he pulled her out of there and took her to a calm place.

To let her know

" why did you bring me here?"she asked.

"You see that building? That's your father's property.and the building beside?That's my father's property..and he is after us especially you for these properties and money..maybe you Don't know how dangerous he is that we need extra Safety." he said.

"Then stop running and face him!that's a fun to him!"

"We are not running.we are playing a game" his voice sounded deep like a professional psychopath.."What game?"

"We are making him think that he is really powerful and he can do anything but last time this went overboard so we had to move again"

"What's the purpose?"

"Do you know where he is right now?He is right behind me.."

She gasped a little."Don't look behind now"she kinda peeked and noticed a dark blue car but like the most hideous colour."that car i've seen it before"she said..."he is watching from there"..

"How do you know?"

"I've put some tracker around him whenever we fell in victim.that foolish drug addict doesn't know that"



"Listen to me let me handle this.then iam sending her home u can meet her"

You fucked it up brother.

I reached our old house which burned down many years ago killing my father.he is trying to bring back memories huh?

I checked the whole was clear.i took out a device which can show where some cameras and weapons are..there were some cameras outside i hacked it and turned it off.i successfully got in.two more cameras,untill i reach the basement really hiddenly.

"Yeah I'm getting Nina tomorrow i Don't have much time.they wont move out city ain't gonna work if they run away again.these are just foolish. And Ethan?he is just a baby yet.i doubt that he would be able to do anything.he will just see me killing his whole family and take away all their money damn hahaha" i heard Aiden talking to someone.i went to the side where many weapons were kept organised.

I took out the tracker and placed it all their inside.the tracker was so small to be found..i got out that house and went back..i noticed several cars and i did the same thing about the tracker.they had many high levelled weapons and many men still these asshole couldn't get me..

How many trackers i put they had no idea..and he still thinks he was the best..

End of POV


No wonder he was always so smart.she thought."What are you gonna do?"she asked..."it was fun to droll him these years yet he couldn't do anything.iam waiting for his lover to come in paris"

"Lover?he has a lover too??"

"Yes..the one and only addiction Drugs...Time to make him suffer as well."

"His crime record was Quite dangerous tho yet satisfying at the same time." she said.he chuckled at her words makings her confused."the suffer he wi get will be satisfying as well Ms.psycho lover"she rolled her eyes at him.

Even tho many things changed but he still feels the same.

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