Chapter 48 The Letter

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Dear Michael,

I know I might end up in some thing bad. I might survive or might not. because no knows but I know that my son, Aiden is against us. Aiden has tried to kill me a few times and take every property to himself. So, I named all this on Ethan's name. I want him not to be greedy but work hard to get to the goal. I'm trying my ever best to make him a better person. even though It gets hard everyday. I'm trying also hard every day to fix his bad habits.. I might not succeed, but I'm not giving up. I have hope, Even a slightest bit hope. he is my son after all I'm not giving up on my first Son after all. If this letter, never reach you then know that, either I've Succeeded to make him a better man or died on his hand. Once he tried to drown me but he Didn't know I could Swim. He was a kid by then. How silly. He had tried to stab me in my sleep which I also survived..

He abuses Ethan everyday amd blames him for everything.he hates Ethan That he got the money on his name. I've tried talk it out but he doesn't listen. he is really stubborn. When his mothers wass seven months Pregnant with our new boy, Alex... he stabbed her at one night. he was hiding under our bed. When we went to sleep, he made that happen. We were really happy with our second baby boy Alex. You know I always wanted a girl but I was really happy with what i got. I have your daughter. She is a part of my family. When we got the news we planned everything and gender reveal party but the day before we'd invite everyone This tragic happened. She was bleeding all over the bed screaming and crying while I stood and slapped Aiden. He shoed me that he is disgusted. I panicked really badly and took her to the hospital. After hours of time, doctor told she is alive but the baby Didn't make it. She stabbed 3 times at the same place. The baby lost his life because of the last stab. My anger and hatred toward Aiden left no bounds. I wanted him dead. If I had stopped him a little two seconds earlier he stabbed her It would still be a happy ending. My wife, she was 24 when Aiden was born. We were afraid but excited at the same time. We loved our first born Aiden with everything. we were just as happy as we found out about Alex my second son. Aiden was jealous that we took care of him alot. I tried to make him understand we love both of them. Thankfully, she survived but our baby boy Alex didn't. It hunt her So much that she even got afraid to go close to Aiden. She was traumatised for months.The doctor said the baby is gone but she can still have babies. She was in depression for months untill we found out About our daughter Hannah..We took her away from her saying that His mother is going out of town for work. I had to stay away from my daughter and wife because of him. Then after a few years they came back. Seeung her with a baby he assumed it was a bastard baby. But I knew the best. I told him the truth. He got offended and since then he had his eyes on her.  The worst could happen is your brother trying to rape you. She was six years old when we found out about Ethan. One night, I was walking by her room and saw Aiden trying to rip off her clothes. My daughters safety comes first. I pushed him away took my daughter away from him. I had to keep her away from him in different town Because of him. After Ethan was born he barely saw his sister. Seeing Aiden acting like that I got afraid what if Ethan was the same? But No.. He was a better kid than Aiden. He took care of his sister, his friends and everyone. He was such a caring person. After tolerating Aiden's torture I fwlt really happy and proud of Ethan..

he tried to kill Nina by keeping her head under water too. They were playing in near the swimming pool untill he pushed her head under water making hard for her to breath. Ethan saw that and tried his ever best and pushed him in the swimming pool and helped her out. Thanks to Ethan. I kept it a secret from you because they were still kids. I always had my eyes on Aiden it was one time I had to run inside Because My silly wife almkst burned the house down while cooking. Nina still plays with him But Doesn't understand. Ethan fearfully told me this when i came out and found them wet. U told him to keep an eye on Nina and never let her go alone with Aiden and of course keep ut a secret. It was a flash to me that He is getting monsterous. He is not a baby. time, He is in his late teenage and It is kids get matured up. I'm afraid. as the day passes, It's getting out of hand.In his teenage life he started taking drugs. He got addicted so badly that i had to Isolate him for months at home.

If ever this letter reach you. Promise me that you’d protect your family away from Aiden. And If I be dead by then please take my family away from this monster. If he gets out of control I beg you to kill him. He Doesn't deserve the world like that.

Your Forever Friend...

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