Chapter 51 Tell Me

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He pulled my waist and again pinned me between his arms. I'm getting nervous that mom is at my room. If she comes out any minute I Won't be happy. "But I can't" he said.

"Why? It's annoying. It was better when you ghosted me"

"What benefits you got by it?"

"Many.. Alot like I can never count"

"That many? Tell me one"

"I was at peace"

"I didn’t see you at peace. You stressed as hell"

"Oh Because of that caller I mean Dylan"

"Tell me more. I'd like to hear some more"

I rolled my eyes. Shit he smelled so good. Now that I'm an adult I'm getting sexually attracted to him as well. Control...

"I Didn't have anyone to annoy me. no one really irritated me Through texts or something. I could see any men or anyone freely there was no one to tell me that Don't go with him, Don't be with him." I said. He nodded at every words I said. He looked sarcastic Because of course he was smiling.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"Like what?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Like I really mean it. Since The day you came, I felt really disturbed."

"Well, do you know how you used to look at me since the day I came?"

"How?" I asked sounding annoyed.

"Like you wanna kiss me" he said.

Well, I still do want to..

"It's just you think like that. I never wanted that."

"Oh really? But I do want to"

My heartbeat increased once again. His eyes shifted to my lips. I felt his left hand slightly grabbing me. Why am I still not stopping him. I have no idea. We heard a noise and he pulled away. He stood a few feets away from me. I was dumbfounded when I saw mom. His expression Didn't change but I was super confused at what just happened.

"Hey dear, I'm going to bed." She said. She took the glass of water which I poured a few moments ago and drank it. Putting the glass away, she went inside the room again and closed the door. I was standing there staring at the door. First thing came in my mind, why did she acted like she Didn't see or know anything..

"Why were you there?" he asked. I glanced at him. He was standing with his hands crossed on his chest.


"In the graveyard. Tell me how did you end up there?"

"Why so?"

"It's a part of the case. Daylan wouldn’t be taken to custody if you Don't cooperate"

I rolled my eyes. I hate to get involved all the time.

"We were having dinner outside-"

"You what? Why him? Is he that handsome that you risked your life to be there?" he sounded sarcastic and jealous.

"I was bored Okay"

"You are always bored and you always chose him whenever you were bored"

"I fucking Didn't know he was the caller."

"I fucking gave you a warning about him already"

"I'm not telling you shit. You are always too bossy" I said and looked away. I crossed my arms around my chest. He sighed. "Fine, I Won't say anything. Just finish what you were saying"

"Just cut me one more time" I said looking at him. He raised his hands on air while shaking head.

"So, he wanted to give me a ride to home. I was lazy anyway and he seemed like a good guy yeah so I hopped in." I said. I stared at him for a few second waiting for him go say something but he didn't.

"Then I realised that he was going exact opposite where I live. I however successfully got out of car and ran for my life. But I Didn't know that you were in that Graveyard. Well he had a gun. At first he Didn't shot but then he did Because he had no stupid choice. I again managed to get the gun from that stupid asshole and shot him. And then I saw you two. I Didn't know what I did then I woke up in a hospital" I said at one go. There was a huge silence.

"Can I speak now?" he asked.

"Go on"

"Why are you so lazy despite of getting suspicious of him?" he asked. I was silent. Because I knew I was stupid for it. I did the dumbest thing ever.

"He was never a nice guy and you knew it. Remember about the dead forest where you were holding me tightly seeking for help to get away from him?" He said.

I bit my lower lip. How did I forgot about that. He was always so suspicious and weird.

"You successfully got out of car. God what made you think the graveyard would be the safest thing. You should've run the opposite you could've made it out even before he could shoot you" He said.

"Okay the place is really unknown to me. I Didn't know which way would be the Right way out. I ran wherever my eyes went."

"You lived here for eight fucking Years Ely"

"I-" When he called me Ely I already forgot what I was about to say. I swallowed my breath.

"Why did you shot Aiden?"

"I shot Aiden?"

"Yess Miss"

"I Don't really remember" Shit I shot him not once but twice. I Don't remember where the second bullet hit. But the first one still has a clear vew in my mind.

"You know how to shot? You know how to hold a gun? Oh have you ever saw any gun in your life? Wait you Don't even know what the Gun means" He was making fun of me. I was glaring at him. "I think We are gonna avoid that you had a few Defence class and learned how to aim gun out of boredness" He added.

Shit he knows. I was all lonely and bored so of Course I learned So ut would be useful too.

"No what are you twelve?" I asked.

"Maybe. If You're a ten then I'm a twelve"

That was really a sarcastic way to complement someone.

"If he died.. Do you know how much I would've wanted to kill you there"

"I wish he was dead so I would've died too Right?"

"You still wish to die?"

"As long as You're alive"

He laughed sarcastically.

"What? I Don't remember where shot him. If I hadn’t shot him first he would've shot you asshole. " I said.

"Why do you care?"

"I Didn't care whom he shot. I cared about that he shot someone"

"The gun he was holding had no bullet"

"What?" Shit.. That means I ruined everything..

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