Chapter 33 Truth Untold

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I woke up still everything was blurry.i was yet trying to process what happened suddenly Owen flushed in my mind and i opened my eyes instantly.i found myself in a car with my seatbelt on.i tried to unbuckle it and saw someone beside me on the driving seat.i looked up it wasn’t Owen.

               It was a different man.his eyes was full of cold gaze.his long fingers holding a bottle while the water goes down his throat ripping all of my thurst in an instant.his eyes fixed on the road even tho the car was parked somewhere far from the hotel i guess.i felt my presence beside him still he ignored me as of i was nothing.

"How long are you preparing to stare at me?" He spoke with deep cold voice without looking at me.not even a glance.

He really got really mature.

"How did i get here?" i asked looking around.i stopped struggling seeing him.i felt kind of safe right there i Don't know why.

"First ask Yourself how did you end up at his hotel room." he replied iam not used to his cold voice yet older version of him.but older him felt more statistic and electrified to me.

"He said he had something to show me"

"A man told you that he would show you something so you went with him at his room where some stuff in his bedroom were decorated to be used on you"he said.i looked away Because i myself Don't know how i ended up there.

              " that's not who you are Ely" i looked at him again hearing Ely at his voice.i haven’t heard it for ages.but my gaze Didn't last long when he said again,"you wanted to stay away from me so to ignore me you went with him."

           I hate how he knows everything.

I looked away from him.i looked outside and replied,"so why you Didn't leave me there.i want to stay away from you.the you should do the same"

"That's not who iam" he said in response.

"Then who are you?What do you want?our life is so complicated we Don't belong to meet.Stop meeting me."

"I will if you give me the key"

My whole body stopped when i heard the play it cool i said,"what key?"

"The key that you stole."

"I Didn't steal anything"

"You’ve checked the files too i know that"


opening that tiny door some old books,some files and a box revealed..

"I recognise this box" I mumbled.

I opened the box but there were some letters,business fikes and a key.only the key got my attention.i took the key a d put the box aside.with the box aside there were some more i started checking them too.I noticed the files and mark at one of the file.

"Red Notice"

I took out my phone to take some pictures of these.


Got addict to drug at a very young age

Tried to poison his own father 9 times but failed

Burned his father in thier own house

Raped 79 young girls,tortured them and killed them.

Killed 3,952 overnight at a mall.

Stalked many girls and traumatised them..

"Oh my god there's alot of crimes he did."

A dangerous stalker,criminal,murderer and so on.

I heard the sound and got sure that it was mom so i put everything back but took the key and put everything how it was.

End Of Flashback

Because of reading that thriller book i saw that i went to father's Office saw the files and met Ethan.after that also saw that Aiden was there but all of these was just a dream.nothing happened i was home reading that mystery book and soon fell asleep.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and tried to get out of the car but there was no use it was locked.he wasn’t bothered at all.he just sit there amd saw my struggling to get out.

                "You know Aiden kidnapped mom and tortured her and was after you thus you had to leave that city.he is still after you"

I remembered about the man who stalked me and texted me was none other than Aiden.

"He wanted to burn you in that house along with father but failed Because father saved you."

I stopped struggling but listening to him silently.

"He thought we would get Married and i would get all of Your money so he wanted to seduce you but there were no use so he chose to kill.he tried to kill me alot more times so mom abandoned him and moved everything away from him.she Didn't put him on jail cause she fucking still loved him"

He was telling these staring at me.i Didn't got the Courage to look at him.i was shocked hearing what he said.hatred shown at his voice.

"For money he did everything.forced mom to Marry Anthony thinking he would name all the property at his name but instead he named everything on mine and My sister which made him more Furious.Your dad tried his best to put us in a safe place but there's no chance left.he told me to stay away,he'll take care of it.but iam not anywhere untill i skin him alive."

He was really serious i could sense that.

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