Chapter 34 "Give Me The Key"

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        "Iam his brother Chris you still feel safe around me now?aren’t you afraid of me taking revenge on you Because of you my family got ruined?"

       "No Because that's not who you are" i spoke.i Didn't stutter or feel weak.i Didn't know what to feel.

"What if i do?Maybe you Don't know me yet"he confronted.

I looked at him only to find him staring at me not with hatred but coldness but the coldness was enough to break my heart.

"Because i have the key Doesn't mean you can threaten me.i know you Don't mean it" i said.

"Because of that key of course i do "

"You saved me Because i had the key-"

"I got to know about the key after i saved you.i Didn't send you home Because i thought you deserve to know the truth"he continued.

I was speechless.he had every answers of my questions.he always did.

"Let me do something for my family. One long I'll keep running away like this?he will always come after me anyway" i said pleadingly hoping he would help.. he sighed and replied," Do whatever you want but i want that key.It's risky."

            "The only way to take revenge is to embrace the risk.otherwise it Won't work.. Iam-"

"I'll let you do whatever you want but not with the key"he said.

"Why?" curiosity got me

"Give me the key"

" Do you mean?Mean what you just said?"i was confused.

"I knew you would want to do that anyway.But That's not the right way"

He was repeating the same thing on and on yet with cold and calmness.

"Iam Not giving you the key" i replied in the negative.

"You know who he is now.all he wants is your body and your money.give me the key and do whatever you want "

"What is in that key?"

"Nothing you need to know about"

"If you Don't tell me i won't give you"

"If I tell you will you give me?"

That's a deal for a deal.It's always been a win-win to him

"I will"

"His dead bodies,his crimes,his every record is in that key.there's no spare key.once he gets ahold of this key everything will be give it to me.Don't make me force you.that's a dangerous thing you Don't want to touch."

"I Don't have it with me"

"You do and i know where it is"

"You could've taken it but you Didn't why?you knew i would be stubborn"

He just laughed? I got confused.he looked at me but his gaze still cold anymore yet it was seductive. I was reminded of him when i first time saw this expression of him.

He came a little closer where i could feel his scent close enough.he replied with a husky voice,"oh but i Don't want to touch you without permission"

"W-what do you mean?" i asked acting dumb hoping he didn’t mean that.

"You know exactly what it is." He sat back again still with the cold is Not the Ethan whom i met years ago. "you really love to be the jerk all the time" i gasped..he looked at and chuckled..

Shit i spoke that loud.

"Are you giving or not?"

"You have to show me his stuff or else iam not giving"

What fool iam.he laughs and whispered," but you said you’d give if i tell you"..


"I guess You thought no one could find or see you with the key" he said while iam left dumbfounded again.

"H-how do you know it was with me-?"

He held my both wrists and his another hand goes on my bag.he took out that stupid Key let go of my hands.

"That key also has a tracker in it.Next time find better things to robb" he said while i was completely shattered by my embarrassment.
           when he held my wrists my heartbeat went was jumping as if it would burst out any minute..i hate that my body still reacts to him when he is now a wholly different person.

Where is the person that i used to know?

Ugh Fuck you Nina..

I noticed the rain stopped and he unlocked the door.he Isn't going to drop me home? At this late hour?
           "Leave" the only word i heard from him which i didn’t want to.."I hope we never see each other ever again. Get away from my sight" He said.

That broke my heart.The Ethan who wouldn’t leave me for a slight moment now wants to stay away from me.

Time passed and He changed. I looked out and sighed.i got out of the car and slammed the door really hard that didn’t even bother him.he just drove away from my sight.
           Foolish me thought he would help me..

"What now?"

Now i know something i didn’t before...Everything has changed

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