Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

Authors Note- Tell me what you think of the story so far :)

I woke up to my phone ringing on my bed side table. "Hello?" I asked, not bothering to look at the caller-I.D. "Hey Tara!" My mom said from the other end" "hey mom!" I said, happy to talk to her. "What's up sweetie?" She asked as I got out of bed. "Just woke up, you?" I asked while pulling a shirt on. "Watching TV, can I come see you today?" She asked and I smiled. "Of course." I said trying to get my pants on but failed. "I'll be there in a little bit, bye" "bye mom"

I heard a knock at the door and smiled. I haven't seen my mother in awhile. I always love it when she comes over. I pulled open the door to reveal my mom and older sister. "Hey!" I said and hugged them both. "Hey sweetie!" My mom said walking in. They sat down and I looked over at my older sister Misty. I hugged her again "I missed you" I said and I felt her smile. "I missed you too babe" she said squeezing me tightly. My sister is 30 and married to an amazing husband. We used to be really close but I don't talk to her much because of work. I sat down and looked at my mom. "How's work? I heard about the bank robbery.." she said. I nodded "we had to do what we had to do." I said and my mother nodded. "I can see that you have a black eye and busted lip from it" she said and I looked away. Misty ran her thumb under my eye to wipe away some of the makeup that I had put over it to try and hide it. "Does it hurt?" Misty asked and I shook my head no. "How Rick?" I asked trying to change the subject. "We're good. We're thinking about having a child" she said and smiled at the end. "That's great!" I said and hugging her. "When are you going to start seeing someone?" My mother asked and I looked over at her. "Mom" I whined "we've already talked about this, I'm too busy for a love life right now." I said. "I know, but you need someone." She said trying to reason with me. "I will find someone, just not right now." I stated and she dropped the subject, petting Monster who was laying at her feet.

"You know that I'm proud of you right?" Misty said hugging me. "I know, thank you" I said hugging her before my mother and her left. They had been here for four hours. I sighed, walking back over to the couch when there was another knock at the door. "God! Can't people just leave me alone" I said under my breath, answering the door to reveal Kent. "Hey!" I said pulling him inside. "Hey" he said hugging me. I went into the kitchen and he followed me. "Do you want to go on a date?" He asked and I turned around. "Kent, we've been friends for years. No, I've already told you I'm not going to date you or Vince" I said and turned back around. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his body get closer to mine. I decided that I would mess with him just to bother him. I turned around and looked into his eyes smirking. I leaned forward, brushing my lips over his and his bottom lip trembled. I pushed my lips onto his and I felt him push me into the counter. His tongue forcefully went into my mouth and my tongue started to attack his. He lifted me onto the counter and his hands rubbed my back. I didn't like where this was going. I pulled away and he glared at me. "You know, it really pisses me off when you do that, Tara." He said and walked into the living room. 

I giggled and hopped off of the counter, following him. "If you would quit hitting on me then it wouldn't happen." I said, looking out of the window. "Well if you just had sex with me I would stop" he said and I turned around. I was getting mad. "You're my best friend Kent! I'm not going to do that. If you are my friend you know that no means no!" I said and he looked sad. "I'm sorry, Tara" he said and looked down. I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window again. "I'll stop" he said and I turned around walking over to him. "Good" I said and sat on his lap and laid my head down on his chest. "So I heard that you snapped at John." I lifted my head up in confusion. "Who?" "Lieutenant Brian" he said and smiled. "Oh, yeah he could have gotten us killed" I said and laid my head back down. "Yeah, but he is new and still getting used to things." Kent said looking down at me. "I don't care" I said and didn't look up at him. "You're tough" he said and lifted me up and set me back down on the couch. "Where are you going?" I asked as I watched him head for the door. "I'm meeting this girl in about an hour and I have to get ready, bye" he said and didn't wait for me to answer before shutting the door. I sighed and laid down thinking. Maybe I should reconsider my love life. It wouldn't be bad to have someone here with me...

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