Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 26

I climbed into my squad car and looked at the map closely to figure out where I would enter. He lived on the Lower East side of Manhattan in an apartment complex. I thought that he would live on the north side but who cares...

The drive took a total of 30 minutes before I was sitting in the apartment parking lot. I looked at the building for awhile thinking about how I would take him down. My phone rang and I quickly grabbed it.


"Tara, it's me Christina. I know where you are and what your doing. Please be careful he is very dangerous. I don't want you getting hurt." She said with an edge of desperation.

"I know Christina I will be careful. I have to go now. I love you." I said.

"I love you too Tara."

She hung up the phone and I got out of the car feeling slightly nauseous. I opened the back door and climbed several flights of stairs before arriving to apartment 47E. My stomach lurched as I thought about how I would enter. Should I knock? Break the door down? I sighed and backed away from the door grabbing my handgun from the holster. I thrusted my foot forward hitting it squarely next to the door handle and watched as it flew open and slammed into the wall. I was always good at kicking doors open when I was in training. I stepped into the small apartment feeling very alert. I couldn't see anyone so far. I looked around the small living that only had a small couch and tv. I heard a crash somewhere in the back and then saw him stand right in front of me.

He smirked and wiped his hands off. He was washing the dishes. "You finally figured it out didn't you Miss Jackson?" He asked with his accent that he had kept well hidden. I didn't answer I just kept glaring at him. "Did you bring me what I wanted?" He asked, his black hair shining in the light. "No" I answered boldly still watching him contently. "We'll then were just going to have a problem aren't we?" He asked and walked away from me and closed the door as best as it could go because I had broken it. He turned around and looked all over my body.

'You look very attractive in a commander uniform Miss Jackson" he complimented and I rolled my eyes. "To bad your about to get blood on it."

He said and lunged forward taking me by surprise. I fell to the floor with a loud thumb slamming my head on the hard wood floor. I whimpered when a painful headache started to come as he punched me in the gut. I gasped and blocked another shot to my gut and punched him right in the jaw kicking his body off of me. He landed onto the floor with a hard thud and quickly got to his feet. He wiped the blood off of him and smirked. "Your stronger than I thought you were. Your father was to. But in the end I always win." He said with an evil tone and tackled me again sending me crashing into a coffee table and onto the floor again. He got on top of me and presumed to punching me but I kept blocking him and throwing punches to his stomach.

I finally manager to kick him off of me and was reaching for the gun that had fallen out of my hands after he tackled me the first time. Just then a knife sailed next to my head and pierced the wall that was in front of me. I turned around to see him smirking. "No guns" he said and took out a hand gun pointing it to my head. I stood up accepting defeat and put my hands up. He forced me to my knees and stood in front of me. "Now your going to die just like your father did." He said and was about to pull the trigger when we heard a large crash in the next apartment.

He looked towards the wall and when he was distracted I sweeped my legs under his causing him to fall onto the floor. He dropped the gun and it slid under the couch as I struggled to get on top of him, punching him in the face. His lip split open and blood came trickling down his jaw and onto his neck. He kicked me off but I grabbed his arm ramming my elbow in the place where it bends and heard the snap of the bone breaking. He cried out in pain and punched me in the face causing me to fall back from the blow. I felt blood fill my mouth and spit it out watching as he cradled his arm to his stomach. I smirked and punched him in the stomach watching him grow weaker with every blow. He bent over and I kicked him in the stomach watching as he fell onto the floor breathing heavily. I knew he was done fighting.

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