Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 15

Authors Note: I know that this is long overdue but Tara is played by Jessica Biel.

Picture of Tara -------->

I was awoken by Monster whimpering. I looked up to see him bent over the bed with his head cocked to the side confused. I looked over and saw Kent and Vince sprawled on the floor fast asleep. I smiled and got up getting dressed. I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast when a pair of cold hands touched my stomach. I turned around to face Christina. "Morning!" She said smiling. She stood beside me watching while I cooked scrambled eggs. "Can I go and meet the lawyer with you today?" She asked and I turned to face her. "I'd rather you not come along.." I said I knew that this would upset her. "Why not?" She asked pouting. "Because you'd just get bored!" I lied hoping that it wouldn't show. I was a terrible liar sometimes. When I was younger and my sister broke a plate I had to promise not to tell. Then when my dad got home I cried in my room because I thought that he would be mad at me.. "But.." I put my hand up. "No buts, and besides you have to look after those two" I said pointing over at Kent and Vince who were still sleeping. She giggled "okay" she said reluctantly. I smiled and finished cooking breakfast.

I was watching TV when my phone rang showing that my mother was calling me. "Hey! How are you?" I asked cheerfully. "I'm good sweetie! How are you?" She replied happily. "I'm doing fine. How's work?" I asked carrying on the conversation. "It's good, listen I wanted to know something. Why didn't you tell me you were gay?" She asked and I froze up. How could she possibly know? I didn't say anything for awhile. "Um... I couldn't believe it at first.. How did you find out?" I asked scared of her answer. "The news. It's all over, the headlines are 'Commander of a Special Forces unit in New York fired for being gay' " she said and I sighed. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. It's just I was scared that you'd hate me..." I said honestly. "Hate you? I would never do that!!! I understand honey. When will the trial be? I know that you won't just give up. Like that time you wanted to slam dunk the basketball in the neighbors yard but you were to short. You put a ton of boxes on the ground to get you taller and did it! Then you feel and broke your arm.." She said and I laughed I can't believe she still remembered that. "Yeah, and I don't know I'm meeting with the lawyer today." I said and looked over at Christina to find her staring at me. "Okay sweetie I'll be there!! I have to go love you!" She said. "Love you too!" I said and hung up the phone. I looked at the time and decided that I'd leave to see the lawyer now.

I got out of my car and stepped into the chilly New York afternoon. I put my sunglasses on and walked into the tall law firm building. I stepped into the revolving door and walked over to the secretary. "Hi, I'm Tara Jackson I had an appointment." I said and the girl typed a few things in before standing and asking me to follow her. We got into an elevator and went up a few floors before stepping out into a long hallway. We passed a few solid oak doors before coming to a stop at a door that had a nameplate on the side. She ushered me in and walked away. I looked at the bright room and the solid oak desk with a leather chair sitting at the other end. I looked at the woman sitting in the chair as she noticed me and stood up walking over to me. She reached me and held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Miss Barcelona, your lawyer." She said with a bright smile. She was a slim woman maybe in her thirties. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She seemed rather nice to be a lawyer. "Tara Jackson" I said shaking her hand with a smile. "Come, sit" she said and I walked over to her large desk, sitting in the leather seat across from her. "First off you can call me by my first name if you'd like... It's Valerie." She said and I smiled. "That's a pretty name." I said and her cheeks turned red. "So, I'm fighting for you to be allowed to get back in the force even though your gay. That's a strong thing to do since they've never had a gay in the squad. I need you to tell me some things about you and tell me some witnesses that will speak positively about you." She said grabbing a folder from the right side of her desk. She opened it looking through it for a minute. "You've been on the force for five years, Commander for two, born and raised in Manhattan, still lives here.." Then she stopped, contemplating on saying the last thing on the list. I leaned forward watching her. "Your... Your dad died when you were 12?" She asked and my heart sank. "Yes... He was apart of the Police Department. He was on duty when two men in a car shot him. The reason that they killed him is because he had arrested the leader of their gang days earlier." I said remembering what the officer had told my mom while I was hiding behind the corner listening. "Okay, I'm so sorry" she said. Her face showing sympathy. "If it's to hard to talk about I will make sure that it won't come up in court." She said and I smiled. "Thanks Valerie, sometimes it's still hard to talk about him but I will be fine." I said and smiled. She looked unsure. "Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded. "Okay, tell me the witnesses and everything about you. How you acted on duty, everything. Don't leave even a small detail out. The court case is in two days. The reason why they don't give us a lot of time is because its not a big case where you need tons of evidence and also only your family and specific others are allowed to watch. They must be cleared by the judge. And there is a jury. Also, the judge is Judge Kameron. I'm not supposed to tell anyone this but he's gay, he's also the head of your squad." She said and I was shocked. How could the head of my squad be gay? And still have the no gays law? "Ok, tell me everything" she said grabbing a pen and a yellow legal pad. "Well... I wanted to be a cop ever since I was 10..." I started and told her everything.

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