Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 10

It has been two weeks since Christina and I have started dating... It is going well but it's kind of hard to go outside together.

I woke up to someone yelling my name. "TARA!!!" Someone yelled throwing open my bedroom door. I turned over to see Christina standing there, her hands on her hips and a glare on her face. "Yes?" I asked turning around. "Have you forgotten about our breakfast date that only ONE of us attended?!" She asked still glaring. "F**k, baby I'm sorry I had a late night. We had to talk about a case and I didn't get home until late." I said sitting up. "That's still no excuse I had to go into the studio last night to work on a song and didn't get home until 10:30" she said and I sighed. I wasn't going to win. "I know your mad but..." "I'm furious! It was so embarrassing to sit at that table waiting for you and you didn't even show up! Do you even have feelings for me anymore?" She asked and I shot out of bed, my anger growing. "Yes I still love you!" I yelled getting into her personal space. "I over slept ONE time! Now you act as if I hate you! I don't Christina! Don't ever talk to me like that again!" I yelled and her eyes grew wide. " love me?" She asked and I gasped. I haven't told her that yet. I guess it just slipped out. "Yes" I said looking away. My anger diminishing. She touched my arm. "I'm sorry Tara. I'm just terrified of losing you. And... I love you too.." She said and I looked into her eyes to see if she was telling the truth. She was. I pulled her into a tight hug. "It's okay. And your not going to lose me." I said kissing her lightly. I felt her body relax under my arms. "Okay" she said nuzzling into my neck. "I have to go in a little bit" I said and she looked at me. "Fine" she said rolling her eyes. I smiled. She hated it when she could only see me for a couple of minutes. I kissed her again. "Tara don't." She said pulling away. I raised my eye brow. "Why not?" "Because we can only kiss for a few minutes and I hate it when you do that." She said groaning. "Fine, what ever you want" I said getting dressed and ready.

I walked into the kitchen towards the coffee maker. I was suddenly pushed back into the counter and turned around. I gasped before I pair of lips were on mine. I felt her arms wrap around my waist as she deepened the kiss. I pulled away panting. "I have to go. I'll text you sometime when I'm off work. Bye" I said kissing her cheek. "Okay, bye" she said and followed me out of my apartment.

"So we have to stop traffic and ask people if they know anything about him?" Lieutenant Brian asked. "Yes" I said. We were currently about to leave to ask people if they've seen a man that was with the people for the drug bust that the FBI stopped. I got into my car and drove to an interstate exit that was blocked off by some other cops. "Okay, you guys go to the end and work your way up. I will start at the top and work my way down. If some people act suspicious they may just be scared." I said putting my sunglasses on. People tend to try and look you in the eye to throw you off so I put them on so they don't bother me. "If they do anything like hit you or lie then give them a ticket, we are looking for one man. If there's 10 standing outside by my car we are taking 9 of them back." I said and the officers got in their car to go to the end of the long line of cars. Lieutenant Brian was with me as back up.

I walked to the first car and knocked on their window. The teenage girl and what I assumed to be her mother looked at me. "Roll down your window please." I said and she did. "Is there a problem... Officer..." She looked at my name tag. "Jackson, officer Jackson" I smiled. "Have you seen this man?" I asked and showed her the picture. She took it from me looking at it long and hard and passed it to her mother. "Is he in trouble?" She asked twirling her blonde hair with her finger smiling. "I can't discuss that miss" I said and looked over at her mother. "I don't recognize him... Sorry" she said handing me the picture. "Okay, you may leave now." I said and walked to the next car. "Have you seen this man?" I asked. "No miss" he said not even looking at the picture. "Sir, look at the picture" I said thrusting it towards him. "I haven't seen him!" He yelled pushing the picture away. I looked at him. "Sir, it's required if you want to leave. Look at the picture. Is there something wrong?" I asked raising my eye brow. "No!" He yelled. I looked over at lieutenant Brian. "Radio in" I told him and he walked a few steps away to talk to the chief. I looked back at the angry man. "Sir I..." He shoved me backwards hard and I fell to the ground. His car sped off and I quickly got up. I took off towards my car and sped off after the man. "This is Commander Jackson. I am in pursuit of a man who would not cooperate. I believe that he is the suspect." I said finding the man speeding down the road. "Okay. Take him down and bring him in." Our dispatch said. "10,4" I said and caught up the to man turning on my siren. I was thinking about what to do in order to stop the man. He suddenly sped up and I was losing him. I quickly sped up and turned a shape corner sliding on the pavement before straightening out. I got up next to him and turned ramming into him. His car flew to the side landing into the ditch. I quickly pulled over running over to his car with my gun drawn. "Get down!!" I yelled and he got out with a cut on his lip. He fell to the ground with his hands over his head.

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