Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 7

I waited impatiently for the clock to hit 1. I sighed seeing I still had two minutes.

"Where do you want to meet at? ;)" Christina texted me. I smiled.

"Joe's?" I asked. It was a small cafe that I went to with my parents when I was younger. "Sure" she said and I noticed that it was time to leave.

I walked into the cafe with my uniform on but not the bullet proof vest as I thought that I wouldn't need it. I looked for Christina who was sitting in the back waiting for me. I sat down and smiled at her. "Hey, how are you?" I asked looking at the menu. "Good, you?" She asked doing the same. "Good" I said finding something to drink. "I didn't know you were a cop.." She said shyly. I giggled "yeah, I have been for five years." I said and she smiled. I could see that she was wearing a simple red shirt and black skinny jeans. I looked at all of the tattoos that cover her arms. "Do you like them?" She asked and I blushed. "There cool" I said. "So are you like NYPD?" She asked. "No, I work for the New York Special Forces. They deal with the more dangerous missions." I said and she nodded in understanding. "I'm guessing your Commander?" She said and I nodded. "Is it hard?" She asked curiously. "Sometimes, but its easy for me." I said and she watched as a male waiter approached us. "Hello ladies what will you be having to drink?" He asked getting his writing pad out. We ordered and he walked away after stealing another glance at Christina. I suddenly got jealous. I snapped my head forward catching Christina staring at me.

"Tell me about yourself" I said and she smiled. "Well, I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania, I have an older brother, I'm Italian, and I live here now, and I'm 25." She said and I smiled. "What about you?" "I grew up here, I have an older sister that's married, I'm Italian and German, and I'm also 25" I said and her face lit up. "What does your parents do?" She asked. I bit my lip. "My mom is a lawyer." I said trying to avoid it. "What about your dad?" "It's personal" I stated a little to harsh. She jumped startled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like that." I said placing my hands on the table. Suddenly she put her hands over mine. "It's okay, will you tell me when we get closer?" She asked rubbing her thumb over my knuckles. My heart started to beat faster and I started to get nervous. "Y-yes" I said starting to stutter. She giggled pulling her hands away. "Okay" and I had a sudden urge to have her touch me again.

The waiter came and we ordered our food. I sighed feeling my phone vibrate.


"It's Kent, want to have lunch?"

"I'm sorry I'm already having lunch with someone. Maybe tomorrow?" I asked biting my lip.

"Sure" he said with irritation in his voice. I hung up and looked at Christina who was looking out of the window. I couldn't stop staring at how the sun hit her face so perfectly. We had our food and were eating quietly. "Can we hang out tomorrow when your not working?" She asked breaking the silence. I thought about my work hours. "It would be late at night." I said and her eyes lit up. "I don't mind." She said and finished her food. After arguing who was going to pay (she did) we walked out to the parking lot. I walked to my car which I found to be parked next to hers. "I'll see you tomorrow then." I said and was opening my car door. "Wait!" Christina called and walked over to where I was standing. I watched her while she leaned towards me planting a soft kiss on my cheek. "Bye" she said walking off to her car. I could feel electricity on my cheek where her lips had been and I touched it. A girl had never kissed me before and I definitely have never felt that way after a kiss.

I got in my car heading home. I couldn't help but keep touching where she had kissed me. Was it meant to be friendly or something else? Why had I felt the way that I did about it?

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