Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 17

Vince is played by Ryan Guzman. Picture on the right ------>

My heart sank. How could they do this? We were doing so well.

Everyone in the room gasped and I sat there frozen. I didn't know what to do. I looked over at Valerie and she looked as equally shocked as me. I looked back at Christina and I could tell that she was extremely upset. We were about to get up and leave when Vince stood up.

"If she can't be in the squad then I quit." He said crossing his arms over his chest. I was shocked. No one had ever done that for me. Then Kent stood up. "Me too" he said and after that all of my men stood up and said "me too" at the same time. I felt as if I was going to cry. I didn't know that they cared so much. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's not get crazy! I can't have all of these men quit! So... By unanimous decision Tara Jade Jackson is to be kept on the squad as Commander and also gays are allowed in the force." Judge Kameron said and I heard everyone behind me cheer. "Court is adjourned" he said and got up heading in my direction.

"Thank you so much." I said shaking his hand. "No problem" he said. "I'll be looking forward to seeing you at the ball in a month." He said and walked away. All is a sudden a pair of strong arms came around my waist picking me up. "WE WON!!" Vince shouted and I giggled at how happy he was. "I know!" I said and turned around hugging him tightly. "We wouldn't have won if it wasn't for you. Thank you." I said and kissed his cheek. "No problem boo" he said and kissed my cheek. I loved him so much right now. Christina came speed walking over to me engulfing me in a tight comforting hug. "I love you" she said and I smiled feeling her warm breath on my ear. "I love you too" I said and she kissed me not caring who saw us. I kissed her back and she deepened the kiss. I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see my mother standing there waiting for me with a huge smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around my neck in a tight hug. Misty was hugging Christina. I smiled and pulled away as the Chief started walking up to me. "Here you go Commander Jackson." He said and handed me my badge. "Thank you chief" I said and shook his hand.

"Your due back on Monday." He said and walked away. I smiled. I was so happy right now. I looked over at Christina's father who was watching me. I walked over to him. "I expect you to be good to Christina. She's my baby girl and I don't want to see her hurting again. I also want to get to know you better." He said smoothly. "I promise that I will not hurt your daughter. And yes, that would be lovely maybe tomorrow?" I asked raising my eye brow. "Sure!" He said smiling. I could tell that Christina got his smile and facial features. She got her attitude and everything else from her mom.

I arrived home without Christina because she wanted to see her parents so I decided to just go home and see Monster. I walked in to see Monster sitting in the floor with his tail waging. His little puppy body shaking with excitement. "Hey!!" I said and held my arms out and he came running to me and tried to jump up my leg. I smiled at how adorable he was. I picked him up and he started licking my face. His puppy breath hitting my face. I giggled pulling him away from my face and carried him over to the couch. I laid him down and he tried to get on my chest to lick me again. "You are too excited!" I said giggling. I decided to take him on a walk to get rid of all of his energy.

I grabbed his leash and connected it to his collar and he ran towards the door and I had to hold tightly onto the leash so that he would run straight into the door. This poor puppy is just to excited...

We got to Central Park and I brought a blanket to sit on and watch him play. He was trained and knew how to do a lot of different tricks and commands. I let go of his leash and he waited for me to throw the ball that I had in my hand. I threw it and watched as he bolted after the ball and retrieved it. Right then this woman came up to me with a smile on her face. "Hi, I'm from channel 7 news how did the trial turn out?" She asked and I was confused as to why she didn't even ask me if I wanted to do an interview in the first place. "Um... I won and gays are allowed in the squad." And looked over at Monster who was walking happily back to me. I smiled and threw the ball and watched him run after it again. "So are you back in the force?" She asked and I looked over at her, the sun hitting my eyes. "Yes" I said and I don't feel like answering anymore questions. "How do you feel about that?" She asked looking at me. "Happy, but look I really don't want to give an interview at this time... So please leave." I said ad watched her stare harden. I watched Monster climb into my lap breathing hard from all of the running. "Look..." I snapped but she was paying attention to someone behind me. "She asked you to leave" Christina snapped. "Um. I was just..." The woman stuttered. "I don't care what you were doing. I'm asking you to leave.. Now." She said and the woman quickly got up and left in a hurry. "You scared the poor girl!" I said giggling. "She deserved it" she said and sat done next to me on the blanket.

Monster then got excited again and Christina threw the ball for him. She wrapped her arms around my waist and I laid my head down on her shoulder. She was wearing a simple white t shirt with black skinny jeans. She looked amazing. She looked me up and down and smiled. I smirked seeing her blush. "What?" I said and she giggled. "You look cute.." She said and I smiled. "So.. Do you have an Italian accent?" I asked and she looked surprised. I know it was a random question but I wanted to know. "Yeah... But it only slips out sometime... I wasn't born in Italy but my dad was. When I say some sentences or words my Italian accent comes out." She said and I smiled. "That was a very complicated answer... You could have just said yes" I said and she giggled. "I want to hear it!" I said getting excited. "Fine... Um.... I love you" she said and I smiled hearing her Italian accent slip out. "It's so cute!!" I screeched and her face turned red.

"It's not that cute..." She said looking down at the ground playing with the grass. "Yes it is!" I said and she smiled at me. "Even though we've only been dating for two months... I feel like I love you more than any other guy that I've dating... It's like you show me that you love me and your not as pushy with things." She said and I felt tears sting at my eyes. "I love you" I said pulling her into my lap. "I love you too" she said and nuzzled into my neck.

That night I couldn't help but think of how Vince had done that for me. He was so sweet. I never thought the he would do something like that for me. I broke away from my thoughts as Christina laid down in bed next to me. "Hey" she said and pulling me into her arms. I heard her accent slip again and I giggled. "Stop laughing at it!!" She said. "I can't help it! It's adorable!" I said and she pushed me away from her lightly glaring at me. She was trying to be mad but failed. I smiled kissing her lightly. "I'm sorry" I said and kissed her again. She smiled and laid on her side. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. I couldn't believe that I still had the love of my life and my job back.

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